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Author Topic: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN  (Read 500 times)


This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« on: November 06, 2005, 08:28:00 pm »
And I can honesltly say that now.  In the past few months I've spent a lot of time trying out other RP servers and Layonara is with out a doubt, no questions asked, the best RP server out there.  I just got done playing on another RP-server that came highly recommended and I'm sitting here asking myself how they can consider themselves RP-based.  Not a single person there is there to RP.  Not even the DMs.

Anyways.  I just wanted to say thanks to the DMs, GMs, and of course the players.  Thanks for making this server what it is.  My long search to find a server to call home is finally over. :)


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2005, 08:44:00 pm »
Thank you.  This compliment goes to the players, they understand the community and support it via their RP and support in general.  Then on top of that the GM's support and build on to it on sooooooo many levels.  Layo is blessed to have been so lucky to find so many good RP'ers.


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2005, 06:35:00 am »
Rock on, man.  Rock on.


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2005, 08:16:00 am »
Aye, Layo is the best of the RPing servers I've seen. I've tried out a good many others, and one was pretty good, but even that fell disgustingly short of the incredible quality of the players, modules, and GMs of Layonara. Besides, the one that comes to mind is now offline (Bye bye, Narc).  The way Layonara has evolved as an NWN server is incredible; it's been taken from a thoroughly-developed PnP campaign to a campaign module that suits the playstyle of NWN perfectly. It has systems in-game that are unlike anything seen elsewhere (CNR anyone?), and has a moderately tough set of requirements for even starting to play on the server. The DMs put in an incredible amount of work running quests for various players, and further developing the entire realm. Not to mention the constant upkeep of the servers, and the complaints and disputes by players.  All of it together adds up to what makes Layonara quite simply the best.  Go you us.

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RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2005, 01:38:00 pm »
Much to the chagrin of those I live with. I spend more time online rping in Layonara than i do watching television. :P At least rping one does not have to worry about being bombarded by constant marketing and its  a reward for me, having wasted so much time in IRC rp, when i could have been on Layonara and enjoying the game from the beginning. The experience of being a character on Layonara is much more rewarding as is the interaction with other players and their characters.
Its a welcome change of medium, well done.


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2005, 07:03:00 pm »
Prior to playing here, I tried a few other worlds.  One in particular I was enjoying until a single incident where I was exploring an area and this other guy came charging through with a hired NPC that he used to kill everything.  The NPC got chewed up and he was in the process of getting chewed up, so he says to me "Heal my Brock".  Not even in a nice way.  Stupidly I did so, and save both of their lives (I also healed him).  So I continue into the area and he tells me to get out as he is doing the area, he was there first and if I don't he will tell the DM's!  I never played on that world again, even though I had made some good friends there.  Only other thing which really bugged me on the world was the amount of muling going on and the access to powerful magical items early on in the game.

What I like here are the people both as characters and individuals, even if I am having "discussions" with them.  Pendars charisma isn't that high so he can annoy people  :o  Everyone is friendly and willing to travel/adventure with you.  If you are in an area, you can suddenly be drawn into party, welcomed and accepted.  What could you want in an RP world really?

The encounters I have had with DM's and GM's have also been great.  I even liked having Bloodstone running around killing everyone simply because it demonstrated the power of this man and brought more purpose to my characters life.  He has now experienced the "true" evil/threat, bringing it home to him.  It also threw him into despair until he spoke with Jacc who provided hope again.

Just to say, thanks to everyone on the world!


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2005, 07:10:00 pm »
"...I even liked having Bloodstone running around killing everyone simply because it demonstrated the power of this man..."
  That is not why he was doing what he was doing that night... but that is okay and your character probably would think that.  *zips lips*  :)


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RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2005, 07:23:00 pm »
Yeah ... in reality Blood was looking for his long lost remote-control ...... it is hard to be the only uber-power who has to stand up to change channels.

But yes, Layo is definatly awesome for RP. I think sometimes the action can be a little rough, but excellent excellent RP.



RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2005, 07:30:00 pm »
"...Yeah ... in reality Blood was looking for his long lost remote-control ...... it is hard to be the only uber-power who has to stand up to change channels..."
  Umm, okay.  It seems I have touched a nerve here so I will stay out of these threads from now on.


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2005, 08:28:00 pm »
well lucky me! This was the first PW I tried :)


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2005, 10:33:00 pm »
Leanthar - 11/8/2005  7:30 PM    "...Yeah ... in reality Blood was looking for his long lost remote-control ...... it is hard to be the only uber-power who has to stand up to change channels..."
  Umm, okay.  It seems I have touched a nerve here so I will stay out of these threads from now on.
 Heh! I don't think there was any nerve-poking going on, just a funny mental picture. It is indeed a poor uber-villian who has to get up to change the channel.   "Drezneb! Get up and change it to the Disney Channel, it's almost time for Pocahontas IV! Get Eon to make some popcorn! And easy on the butter. I'm on a diet."   On topic...I try sympathizing with the "long server searches" and all that, but I picked the right one, first. *nods* It's good to be right. :P


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2005, 11:37:00 pm »
On topic...I try sympathizing with the "long server searches" and all that, but I picked the right one, first. *nods* It's good to be right. :P

Layo was the first RP server that I tried also.  Being new to NWN I really didn't know what to expect from an RP-server so I wanted to try as many RP-servers as I could to see what my options were.  As much as I enjoy playing on Layo there's a few minor things about it I don't really like.  The one that sticks out the most is the lack of a sense of adventure here.  Maybe it's just me not seeing it, but it seems like the only reason to go off adventuring here is to gather CNR stuff.  So I was hoping that I could find a server that has the same quality of RP that can be found here with a player-base that would be more willing to go off in one direction just to see what was there.  Needless to say, but I never found one that fit what I was looking for.  So I've come to accept, what I see as, short-falls of this server and I look forward to finding a role here. :)


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RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2005, 11:51:00 pm »
Before playing Layo I used to play on RP servers which had some good role players but it wasn't controled so some of the players ruined everything ( I was one of those LOL, I didn't even know what RPing was so I once played with a friend and my friend asked " Hey, are these players or NPCs?"). But Layo not only has good players and DMs, but it also has this site which helped me understand what RPing was.
 Good work everyone!


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RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2005, 12:32:00 am »
So I was hoping that I could find a server that has the same quality of RP that can be found here with a player-base that would be more willing to go off in one direction just to see what was there

Come wander around with Fifur or Aries....they're always out to quench their curiosity of "whats there" or "i wonder what i can kill over there"


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2005, 01:31:00 am »
Malc3k - 11/9/2005  12:32 AM
Come wander around with Fifur or Aries....they're always out to quench their curiosity of "whats there" or "i wonder what i can kill over there"

The "I wonder what I can kill over there" is usually exactly what I want to avoid.


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2005, 07:30:00 am »
There could be other motivations. Ifion has mapped about 75% of the surface of both Mistone and Rilara, because that knowledge must be captured and shared. He did it solo. I think more monsters killed him than the other way around :(


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2005, 02:09:00 pm »
Gathering CNR are realistic adventures though.  You learn where items are, what areas are safe and which areas are dangerous.  You talk to fellow travellers and sometimes get sucked into a random adventure or encounter.  You also learn about built in quests.

Sometimes it does feel directionless, partly because of the time zone you play in, but then again as you meet people they become part of your characters life.  Something happens to them, you feel that you should help as you can.

Trace Nightwind

RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2005, 05:39:00 pm »
I have been away from gaming because of injury but finally had a chance to play last night.  What a breath of fresh air.  Anywhere else you go, EQII, World of Warcraft, etc, you cannot find the caliber of RP you find here.  Even in the RP servers on those games, you find immature jerks who mess everything up, and refuse to immerse themselves in the game.  Here, the world breathes and changes.  Here, you can make a difference in the world, here you can shape your character and the world's destiny.  That is pretty exciting!  
I still remember when Leanthar showed me the game.  I was dumbfounded, and immediately went to the store, bought the game, and proceeded to spend the next year of my life playing, wondering why I had not began sooner.  This place allows you to be unique as well.  Who knew a Fat Dwarf Wizard, carrying a flaming greatsword could work? But they let me try and I have finally found a character I will stick with forever. Oholibama is fun to play!
Thank you L, and all the people who put the time into this place.  It is more than a game to me.  It is like being part of a great Fantasy novel and getting to help write the next page. :-)


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2005, 06:48:00 am »
For when LAyonara truly takes hold
for you poor player there is help


RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2005, 08:16:00 am »
Heh... this is the only NWN server I've ever played on, and I have no intention of leaving. I mean, why should I? I have the best characters for me on the best server.

As for a sense of adventure, well.... Angelo has a tendancy to explore the many dungeons and ruins around the world, and he usually tells others about some of the things he finds in order to lead them to a grand adventure that he can record. So if you are looking for adventure, just ask Angelo ;)