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Author Topic: Corath  (Read 994 times)


Re: Corath
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2006, 01:39:12 pm »

You're way off the mark when it comes describing the Corath Cult.
I know Czuky and was there during his whole involvement.  The Cult on Mistone is run by female high-priest who does a (fantastic job I might add), but contained an even number of males to females...I should know, I was one of the males.

It is RP heavy and most people were not interested in that aspect of it.  There are limits to what we were able to do so it usually meant more talk than anything else.

Anyway I'm in a huge rush atm so I'll be back on friday to discuss this further if anyone wishes.



Re: Corath
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2006, 02:50:21 pm »
I'm sorry, I do admit I was a bit overboard in so criticizing a cult that I myself was never a part of.  Being that it is a Cult and the nature of them are various unto each and every cell, each is up to their own to determine their methods and operations.  Furthermore as I am not Czukay himself, I should leave his experiences and observations entirely up to him for the retelling.  Much to their credit, not once have I witnessed Chanda tell ANYBODY she was a Corathite, though all too many times I've seen vharacters who have never met her before RP as if they had "OOC Common Knowledge".

What I wanted to point out is that often times, especially when you're just starting out, cult/guild membership itself can sometimes stifle a character's personal growth, and that it is not of itself a requirement to be a darker character aspect.  That being said, one of the main difficulties in playing such characters is in explaining the descent into evil and developing the character beforehand.  That's a very difficult thing to do, and one trying to justify such a character on such an alignment-restricted server naturally must pay a long, hard series of dues before that status is attained.


Re: Corath
« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2006, 09:58:30 am »
I want to be a World Leader so I can attain my Count hood!  And I agree Lonnarin, the OOC common knowledge is far as anyone is concerned I am just one perhaps insane....perhaps not.....character that visits Hlint....I dont wear the sheild of Corath, nor do I ever mention his name.....also, I have chosen like you said, not to be part of the cult becuase it was hindering my fun with the game in I have definately taken matters into my own hands....I think I am doing an ok job. I can't belive I am still TN though...heh right. *chews on a chunk of raw monster flesh picked freshly from his blood stained armour*   * a small child faints*


Re: Corath
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2006, 10:58:10 am »
now, I want to point something out...

as I was once told: if you look like a duck, quack like a duck, and smell like a duck.. yer a duck.

Corathinites believe in secrecy, chaos in the world, and acheiving 'undeath'  this does not really mean carrying skulls around town and eating out of them.
I can safely say, there was only ONE instance IC that my character could have been assumed to have been a Corathinite, but a *bluff check* and the reason for those goblin crazy stones being so close... poof.  She thinks that bringing the whole future to come is secrecy, since she hasn't actually MET another Corathinite IC (ooc, we knew that we were both...) so as far as anyone knows, shes a hyper active lil elfie, possibly a zeenite.. muahahaha

Yes, theres a dark side to the coratinites, but you must remember to play your alighnment.  Its tricky, thats the reason mines secret: once shes friends with everyone... I think that it may just bring chaos to thier lives.

now remember... all that about my char is OOC!!!   :P


Re: Corath
« Reply #24 on: December 22, 2006, 11:13:24 am »
heh, thanks for the comments....
I guess am so repulsive in town becuase I have a charisma of 8. I need people to be repulsed by my presence....hence eating the raw monster flesh from my blood stained armour, and whispering to my far as that quote goes that you mentioned...its a good quote...but thats a quote that doesn't exist in layonara :)

I use the skull, becuase it really could lead to some interesting quests in the future for my working on developing a whole story behind why i have this skull with other characters....i never bothered to do that before and guess I should try to play into it a bit more.

I admit there are some loop holes in my RP but im working on smoothing those out.

Thanks for your comments.


Re: Corath
« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2006, 11:27:00 am »
pelordaes7 - 12/22/2006  8:13 PM

heh, thanks for the comments....
I guess am so repulsive in town becuase I have a charisma of 8. I need people to be repulsed by my presence....hence eating the raw monster flesh from my blood stained armour, and whispering to my far as that quote goes that you mentioned...its a good quote...but thats a quote that doesn't exist in layonara :)

I use the skull, becuase it really could lead to some interesting quests in the future for my working on developing a whole story behind why i have this skull with other characters....i never bothered to do that before and guess I should try to play into it a bit more.

I admit there are some loop holes in my RP but im working on smoothing those out.

Thanks for your comments.

Wearing black clothes, having a skull and eating raw monster flesh.

Umm... Even if you had Aeridin in your deity field, my character would classify you as an Corathite! :P

Edit: Yeah, yeah... I know I could cast Divine Relation on you to figure out if you did have Aeridin as deity. :)


Re: Corath
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2006, 11:43:17 am »
thanks for the comments, I think I have run into you in game before and you weren't so friendly.   Well, we all play our part in the greater scheme of things, what fun would it be if we all ran around and were nice to each other and didn't run across an occasional dark fighter serving chaos at its best. Just keeping it interesting thats goal is to not get banned from Hlint for doing something truly chaotic, so I have to find ways around that by doing what might appear to be chaotic acts.   heh, i will never run out of ideas, and its fun trying to top old ones with even more jilted things. were you there when I was asking if anyone was selling first born children? hah, classic



Re: Corath
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2006, 12:15:21 pm »
pelordaes7 - 12/22/2006  8:43 PM

thanks for the comments, I think I have run into you in game before and you weren't so friendly.   Well, we all play our part in the greater scheme of things, what fun would it be if we all ran around and were nice to each other and didn't run across an occasional dark fighter serving chaos at its best. Just keeping it interesting thats goal is to not get banned from Hlint for doing something truly chaotic, so I have to find ways around that by doing what might appear to be chaotic acts.   heh, i will never run out of ideas, and its fun trying to top old ones with even more jilted things. were you there when I was asking if anyone was selling first born children? hah, classic


Hehehe! Yes, I were. :P

Allei's usually quite friendly to most people. But... Czukay is just... umm.... well... creepy, far too creepy. She's simply a little bit afraid of him. ;)

Though, she's not directly hostile, of course, as that would require you to actually get that children and so some funky ritual. ;)


Re: Corath
« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2006, 01:03:10 pm »
heh, Czukay has been leading alot of really fun and successful missions with the newbies around Hlint. Of course there are always his ulterior motives as a leader. but, surprising enough no one has been dying under his lead, hence the skull goes hungry.

good talking, I probably wont be talking to ya in town



Re: Corath
« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2006, 01:13:56 pm »
where did you find the skull anyway?


Re: Corath
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2006, 03:15:11 pm »
It came from the dragon isles, from inside a cave. A GM gave it special powers at the time that boosted my stats. Something terrible then happened involving a Lich (which I wont ruin the surprise) thats about all I care to tell about it.

Talan Va'lash

Re: Corath
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2006, 03:49:05 pm »
Remember that you need to play the alignment that you currently have until you are approved to be shifted to a different alignment (or perhaps are in the process of shifting your alignment on a CDQ.)

All my characters just think Czukay is nuts. Well, one thinks he's funny, one keeps their eyes on him just in case, one would probably try to gut him and another might go along for the ride heh (and has in the past iirc.)


Re: Corath
« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2006, 05:44:04 pm »
Fair enough,

I am going to write several more journal entries see if i can develop a more in depth background for him, then I will submit for that CDQ.
Until then I will try my best to play a truly neutral character.

I guess this means going easy on certain aspects of the behavior. heh heh


Re: Corath
« Reply #33 on: December 23, 2006, 04:26:23 pm »
Hey Elmo13..just so you know, had you posted a notice in the Wild Surge Inn welcoming Corathites to come forward to form a cult this is most likely the response from the Corathites working hard to keep their identies hidden while conspiring to bring about the ultimate corruption of the world. That is after the local populace had you hung drawn and quartered :)  .

*An Elderly man accompanied by a large hulking barbaric warrior with a mighty axe stands reading the original notice. A low hiss escapes the mans lips from beneath the hood as he tears down the notice.*

"Of all the foolish things that can be done. Truly madness has driven this one beyond the capability for understanding our true mission in this pathetic world." Reaching out to the barbarian beside him he grips the mans wrist with furious anger, his nails biting deep into the flesh bringing forth a dull grunt from the big man but nothing else.

"Find him for me and bring him to me!" The old man hisses from between his teeth. "He will ruin everything before we can act. If he will not come..kill him; the most painful way you can imagine and then bring him to me. I will teach him the meaning of obediance as I taught you. If I have to raise him a thousand times to inflict the anger upon him that I feel now then it will be done...."

Upon being released the barbarian turns immediately to do his bidding while the old man regains his composure for a few moments. As he turns to leave a small child looks up at him from a doorway with innnocent eyes.

"Go back inside dear child...there is nothing for you to see here. Go back to your mother its alright." A feeble attempt at a smile and the child waves before heading back into the house.

The old man continues down the road mumbling, "Yes go back to your mother, for it will not be long before your world will become an eternal nightmare with your souls in eternal bondage to the master."