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Author Topic: What to do After You Crash  (Read 44 times)


What to do After You Crash
« on: September 30, 2005, 05:51:00 pm »
Last night I was fighting trolls with a group in Troll Central.  Lights blinked and came back and I thought "that's a close one.  This would be a terrible place to crash."  Then the whole house went dark and I lost my internet connection.  After a half hour wait for power to come back, I went to bed.  As I expected, when I logged on this morning, there were several trolls on top of me, beating me to death before I could even move.  By the time the red welcome to Dregar line came up, I had made it about 2 steps and was already dead.  I told the sould mother to kiss off and headed for the bindstone so things weren't too bad.  

My questions is, what if I had received a DT?   Is this a reasonable basis for a grievance, or should I have followed a different path to get out of that situation via DM intervention?  When I crashed I was right by where we had just killed the trolls, and my unbuffed ac is trivial for a troll.  I expect to die every time in that situation.  In general being sent back to the bindstone in that type of situation isn't that big of a deal as long as I don't take a DT.  Since I wasn't confident of being able to sneak back invisible without being spotted I used the wait 10 hours option.  If I had received a DT, I would have filed a grievance to get the DT removed.  Is this reasonable?  If not, what should I do?  Or, is this just one of the hazards adventurers face?  Fainting in the face of the enemy leading to death or some such.


RE: What to do After You Crash
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2005, 06:07:00 pm »
Yeah, this is a tough situation and sadly nothing we can do about things like this since we have no control over power and the internet etc.  However, if you had received a DT and had explained to us in detail (like you did) how/why it happened we probably could have done enough research to find your comments as fact and then removed the DT.  We track all logins/outs and all DT's etc.  But if it happens too often then we would have to start saying no.
  If you ever need to file for something like this go to the Grievances forum here:
  I hope that answered your question.


RE: What to do After You Crash
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2005, 07:01:00 pm »
Thanks Leanthar.  I was fairly sure that I was on firm ground, but wanted to make sure.  It seems much more cumbersome to ask a DM to port my poor lost wizard away from those mean trolls than to take the small chance that I would need to dispute a DT.

Talan Va'lash

RE: What to do After You Crash
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2005, 08:23:00 pm »
What could work even better is post to get a GMs help before you log back in when you know you're in a situation like this.

Then the GM can invis you or, kill the troll, or at least corroborate your story and raise you after you die heh.



RE: What to do After You Crash
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2005, 10:20:00 pm »
I think that they can also turn the spawns off in that area until you get out.

