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Author Topic: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint  (Read 372 times)


RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2005, 02:58:00 pm »
*eyetwitch* Why do I have this profound feeling that one of the oxen killed was Bessie...?



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    RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
    « Reply #21 on: August 03, 2005, 03:23:00 pm »
    //OOC observation Well. Come to think of it, were there an invasion of drow or Sinthar's forces, Hlint, the way it is run now would fall. Those travelling in groups and belonging to martial orders, should probably post  offer a rotating guard support in settlement, while in such.
    Also one other rp issue that has been somewhat nagging me. At times a when in a party and the whole party rests, plumping down everywhere and anywhere, no guard is posted, no fire is created. This is just bad rp,as far as I am concerned. All that is really needed to make people learn I suppose is a DM in a mischievous mood.


    RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
    « Reply #22 on: August 03, 2005, 03:58:00 pm »
    I think it is done just to keep the party moving. In RL these quests would take many days to complete. Who do you know that can walk across two continents in 20 minutes? So, plopping down for a quick nap when there is a lull in the action should be tolerable.

    What is the first thing you do on a trail when everyone stops for a drink or a snack? Most people will sit. Very few people sit on the quests. If you cook your animal meat on the fire, do you look around for a stick to put it on or do you just throw it on the fire? How many players go to a tree for when “nature calls?” Maybe that could be a feat, bottomless bladder or infinite intestines. So is it “just bad rp” if you don’t do all of this? Where is the line drawn from Rping and RL?

    The Barbarian Isles require you to build a fire because it is cold. A good stock of food in your inventory will keep you from having to build a fire on trail. So what other reason do you need a fire? If a “DM in a mischievous mood” wanted to, he could attract creatures to your fire. At least with out a fire, you remain somewhat hidden.

    Posting a guard is a good idea. Some times our party will keep someone up to watch for any wondering creatures. We will even do the *Stands guard* to show who has the watch.

    Okay, I am done. Sorry to go off the handle. But, if everything were RP’ed out, the quests would take forever. That is the way I see it. That is just me.


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      RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
      « Reply #23 on: August 03, 2005, 04:01:00 pm »
      I am not talking about quests. I a talking about regular raiding while ina party or what not. With no DM present.


      RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
      « Reply #24 on: August 03, 2005, 06:12:00 pm »
      Then that can be discussed during the make-up of the party. Everyone RP's at different levels. Just set a standard within the party at the beginning.

      Getting back to the subject of people running into town with monsters hot on their tails, I think it is very realistic for RL. Who, in RL, is going to die and not seek help? However, it can be handled differently IG. Personally, if I am being chased and I come across someone I at least tell him or her what is chasing me. Then, they know what is coming and to run if need be. Because sometimes you do not get to choose you fights, they are chosen for you


      RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
      « Reply #25 on: August 03, 2005, 10:53:00 pm »
      Thanks for stepping up MichealBohun, it take a lot of guts and class to single yourself out. I think you will come to find that the group here at Layonara are very mature, friendly and helpfull, they are also generally very forgiving of honest mistakes.

      If nothing else this thread brought an issue to light that most likely will save someone else the same experience. There are a lot of people trying Layonara for the first time lately, and I'm sure there are several who've read this that were not aware of the server rule against it.

      Cya in the game
