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Author Topic: True Sight and Server Crashes  (Read 104 times)


True Sight and Server Crashes
« on: August 30, 2007, 02:10:12 am »

I just ruined a bunch of fun, at least I think I did.  I was told a couple days ago of a "True Sight" bug that crashed the server, that if true sight was being cast when other spells were being cast you risked crashing the server...

of course I forgot... and did it anyhow and the server promptly went down.

Is this an... urban myth? or does true sight need to be cast at the end of buffing?

Thanks!  I'm sure everyone will be grateful that people don't accidently crash the server if it is a known thingy...

Lord of the Forest

Re: True Sight and Server Crashes
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2007, 02:51:57 am »
I for myself never cast it at the end of buffing up, usually somewhere around in the middle. I only crash the server with UV, never occured on TS for me ;)

I guess that it not depends if you cast it last or not, something more complexive imo.


Re: True Sight and Server Crashes
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2007, 03:00:10 am »

What I thought was told to me was it happened if you were casting it when other people were casting spells, like during a group buffing.

I have never had a problem casting it alone in any sequence.

Lord of the Forest

Re: True Sight and Server Crashes
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2007, 03:07:57 am »
Yeah this only occured while I was in groups as well.. but then I cast TS in the middle of buffing up while 2-3 other casters buff as well, so dunno really.


Re: True Sight and Server Crashes
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2007, 03:52:09 am »
I heard this once and I think I passed on the rumor to a couple of other people.  I have seen a few times when this seemed to be the case but I have also heard that it is just a random thing and it's not really TS.  So I don't know.  Does Layo have a tailored graphic for TS or is it the standard NWN visual for casting?  If it's the standard then the effect should happen on other servers but if it's Layo unique then maybe it just doesn't happen enough to get noticed.


Re: True Sight and Server Crashes
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2007, 07:26:40 am »
True Seeing I think is NWN standard: The ones that are changed is Prot/Resist/Endure Elements/Energy Buffer, and Protection from Spells/Spell Resistance, that's why when you first go into an area with a lot of people with those spells during a trip you sometimes crash. That said I wish there was a player side option to turn off buff graphics but hey, you can't have it all.

I've personally just cast True Seeing whenever I felt like it and never noticed this.

Edit: *points down to Dorg's Post* Sorry, Was wrong :)


Re: True Sight and Server Crashes
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2007, 09:05:25 am »
True Seeing does in fact have a custom visual effect here. It's one that just produces glowing eyes rather than the Bioware Standard of flashing eyeballs over someone's head. It was designed as a lower-lag and more visually accurate effect.  Similar statements hold true for Ultravision and See Invisibility.

That said, I think the problem is not True Seeing so much as what happens when True Seeing is cast when there is a group of heavily-buffed (visually) and at least partly invisible characters.  The sudden burst of all these other VFX becoming visible seems to do it.

It seems rather random though, and so there's no guarantees that any particular method to avoid server crashes apparently due to TS will work.


Re: True Sight and Server Crashes
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2007, 09:20:45 am »
According to what Dorg says, with the sudden "burst" of visuals being the more likely culprit, I would actually suggest casting TS first, before anything else is cast. That way there will never be a sudden burst of visuals from invisible PC's. That, or wait to cast invisibility until all the TS's have been cast.

