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Author Topic: not really a bug...  (Read 140 times)


not really a bug...
« on: March 14, 2006, 06:04:14 pm »
ok.. my computer locked up and NWN shut down in the middle of stump hunting satyrs in the broken forest. I tried everything, reboot, etc, no good. it just won't load the area. i can get in under maev, but it's really really bad, not sure if it's lag or something else going to reinstall cep and layo hacks.  if anybody else has hit this burp, I'd love some suggestions. thanks, redhawk


Re: not really a bug...
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2006, 04:46:48 am »
yes, similiar bug to ar7's problem with the hunt. fixed by removing NWN completely from my computer and doing a clean install. anybody have any idea how this might happen and what i can do to avoid it in the future? thank, redhawk