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Author Topic: Zero to 3 PK's  (Read 153 times)

Yar Ydnar

Zero to 3 PK's
« on: December 20, 2005, 02:59:00 am »
Got what I thought was my first PK tonight when I cleaved poor Owen Lo'Kiar while battling to rescue a noble woman.  When I went to check it at the binding cross in Hlint it said I had three. And since the last time I checked, within the past week, it's gone from zero to three. I'm sure I'd remember the others as well.  Not saying they didn't happen but I've no idea where, when, or who.  Like I said as far as I know I can vouch for one.  Can the others be called up to refresh my memory?  Character is Riley Alexander.

Best Christmas to everyone.



RE: Zero to 3 PK's
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2005, 04:36:00 am »
Cleave will not cause you to attack another player unlessssss....  I think. . .

- The player has set you to dislike which makes them left click attackable.

- You are confused via spell

- Another player accidentally tried to perform a special attack on you like knockdown, Ki Strike etc and failed... but then they become attackable.  This can happen easily in crowded combat

- You accidentally tried to perform a special attack and misclicked on a player.


Talan Va'lash

RE: Zero to 3 PK's
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2005, 05:05:00 am »
I think he meant cleaved as in, cut asunder, rather than the specific feat heh.



RE: Zero to 3 PK's
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2005, 07:26:00 am »
*sniff* It's beautiful

Yar Ydnar

RE: Zero to 3 PK's
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2005, 08:15:00 am »
What Talan said.




RE: Zero to 3 PK's
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2005, 10:58:00 pm »
I have a theory as to how Riley may have, inadvertently, caused the PK.  He told me he had just cast deafening clang on his weapon.  I know that wizards have to be careful casting into a melee because spells such as magic missile can just as easily be targeted on a friend as an enemy.  Was what he perceived as an attack enhanced by deafening clang actually treated as a magical attack? After the intitial (magical?) attack I would expect the AI to continue his attacks with sword until told otherwise or target is dead with no available cleave target.

This is just a theory in that I have never cast paladin spells.  *mutters under his breath* Actually I've always wondered about the wisdom of letting muscle bound people with swords cast any spells.


RE: Zero to 3 PK's
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2005, 11:39:00 pm »
Talan Va'lash - 12/20/2005  8:05 AM

I think he meant cleaved as in, cut asunder, rather than the specific feat heh.


I missed this one somehow.  Anyway, I can vouch for the truth of this statement as I was indeed cut down, cut asunder, cleaved, hacked, hewn, chopped, carved, dissected, pierced, rended, severed, stabbed, cut, and last but not least, killed.  :)