The World of Layonara

The Layonara Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lindel on September 25, 2006, 08:02:39 pm

Title: Ventrilo?
Post by: Lindel on September 25, 2006, 08:02:39 pm
So, is there a ventrilo server out there for us to use? :)

Just wondering, like not to use it to substitute typing for RP but just like a "hello" sort of thing. Do we have one? if not...anyone wanna share theirs? :3
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: Vyris on September 25, 2006, 10:11:27 pm
I personaly think the use of voice comms on an RP server like Layonara would destroy the RP for those involved.

But, then people who just want to hack aren't that worried about the RP, not to say that applies to you at all, just that uhm.. I think it would be bad :)

Vyris lost his train of thought.
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on September 25, 2006, 10:14:30 pm
Some people just want to chat.
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: jrizz on September 25, 2006, 10:14:44 pm
I would have to agree on this. Text chat works best for RP for most people. It takes a lot of skill to stay in character when using voice, I think it would scare off most people.
Title: RE: Ventrilo?
Post by: Nibor21 on September 25, 2006, 11:23:07 pm
I used to play NWN with a group of friends using Teamspeak. Vyrix is right, the RP goes out the window. It was really nice to use it to chat with mates and generally natter, discuss tactics, flame the parties mage when he had fireballed us etc, but it it wasn't conducive to RP.

For a start I found it hard to visualize one of my friends and a slightly built female elf when he spoke with a deep Tennessee accent. Also as people got excited they would say things completely out of character!

We rapidly dropped all pretense of playing it IC
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: lunchboxkilla on September 26, 2006, 05:12:35 am
I'm woirking on getting a vetn server but I am gonna be slapping some rules down like no RP, just ooc chatter Any meta gamming is gonna be banning and stuff like that
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: Blackguy on September 26, 2006, 05:24:36 am
Ventrillo just dosn't work for a RP server. It becomes to much like WOW that is the place where this is normal. IRC serves the ooc talk chatter fine, and I dont think a RP ventrilo would survive.
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: FlameStrike on September 26, 2006, 05:43:54 am
Agreed, voice-communication programs and RP don't get along really well. Also i can't imagine myself RP'ing by voice or anything... i mean it would just be weird.

 As someone who had a lot of interaction when i used to play more FPS games and Warcraft 3 with voice-com's, i know how quickly things would go OOC, like for instance when someone remembers a joke,  you start listening to that other guy's mother telling him he wasn't done cleaning the kitchen, or 'Aw man, my $%&&/#! dog/cat/guinea pig/parrot just spilled over the coffee over my keyboard!'. ^_^

 It's great for ooc chatter, though.
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: LynnJuniper on September 26, 2006, 06:02:19 am
Well I agree with all of the above, but I'm thinking of the Vent server as more of a companion to IRC than an actual place to RP. I mean...voice acting our characters COULD be fun, but should only be done in controlled environments with very strict rules (Maybe a seperate channel for OOC and then another for "Hlint's Benches"

Besides...Could you IMAGINE Hlint's Benches on Ventrilo? It would be insane!....

I mean....People screaming about Drow

Then you have your religious debates

Ozy's Stories

Fight fight Drama drama drama

Come to think of it I'd PAY to hear some of this...
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: lunchboxkilla on September 26, 2006, 06:38:49 am
I'm gonna run a 20 man server for one month, if its works I may jump to a 30 person server, if not I kick it to the curb
Title: RE: Ventrilo?
Post by: s0ulz on September 26, 2006, 07:12:34 am
While I think Ventrilo is a wonderful little thingamajig, I quite frankly don't see it happening. There'd be a way too thin line between Out of Character and In Character.

Plus if you want to combine Live speech RP with ingame actions, other people not in Ventrilo will be missing out quite a lot. This seems unfair.

I encourage you lot to give it a shot, but Ventrilo is just.. well.. Ventrilo. Good for a chat but not theatre. :)
Title: RE: Ventrilo?
Post by: Blackguy on September 26, 2006, 07:32:12 am
While im not gonna use Ventrilo myself, Ive been on that wagon before, and its -only- good for ooc chatter/tactics and communication. I will not take part of it, as things can get quickly out of hand, and no matter the rules, theres always the illusion breaking of it. But that should not stop others from trying it, but Ive said my peace about it.
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: lunchboxkilla on September 26, 2006, 07:50:03 am
I'll Run it like my CS server. strict rules and lots of banning if need be. I'll need a few people to admin it while I'm at work and real life
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: LynnJuniper on September 26, 2006, 11:08:50 am
I can admin it if you want Celgy =P You know I'm always here in one form or another. Maybe someone else while Im in school though
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: Lindel on September 26, 2006, 11:58:45 am
but but, I never said anything about actually RP'ing :( I just said it was like a "hi how was your day" type of thing...:(

but I guess I understand what you guys are saying, kinda like when something happens IG and like you go on irc and kinda talk about it. It's kinda like that but with Vent or Teampseak or whatever

but yeah, like Rhynn said, just wanted it to be like an extension to irc...ish
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: Fatherchaos on September 26, 2006, 12:36:36 pm
Just a little fyi if you want to setup a voice server for anything (ooc, interparty rp, talking about cheese . . .)

Ventrilo insn't end user friendly when it comes to hosting if you plan to do it yourself w/ your own hardware. In general the vent. program uses slightly more resources than other progs. I've examined and the free version for users is limited to 8 accounts. Of course, all this is a non issue if you plan to rent a vent server slot from a company.

Teamspeak is the next big gun in the voice com camp and is extremely friendly to self hosting. No limits etc - I run a TS server that supports 208 simultaneous users - and the only thing I pay is my electrical & internet bill :)

Then there are also applications like skype, but skype I believe has a limit of a 4 person conference.

I think roger wilco is still about - but haven't used it since the days of Descent.

In all respects though, running a voice comm. server can be rather fun! If anything, give it a go for your friends and buddies - just put a password on it to avoid some of the 'joys' of allowing total rude Nubs log in just to be irritating :)
Title: RE: Ventrilo?
Post by: Gulnyr on September 26, 2006, 03:00:15 pm
Lindel - 9/25/2006  11:02 PM


Sorry to get off topic, but I'm not a student of the emoticons.  Does this one represent the guy in the cantina in Star Wars that picks a fight with Luke?
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: lunchboxkilla on September 26, 2006, 05:05:20 pm
It's a cat =3
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: lunchboxkilla on September 26, 2006, 05:10:14 pm
As for team speak and the others I have used Vent heavly since it came out.. Way it looks here people have to pay for it unles I'm on the wrong site
Title: RE: Ventrilo?
Post by: Diablo_68 on September 27, 2006, 01:53:09 am
I have a TS Server and it is much easier and user friendy then vent.

But i strongly reccomend not allowing Voice servers on Layo, i used it just for awhile when was i playing with some RL friends when we all played on layo and it was ok, untill other people joined the group.

The idea of having a Hlint Benches seems like one that will never work, you will be constantly RP with people not on the server. Also as much as i think some people would intend to RP completly on VENT, as mentioned above it would be a bit weird also if you Die and and loose a soul strand, i find it hard to beleive you would say nothing whilst your party continues to fight and RP with you listening sitting around waiting.
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: lunchboxkilla on September 27, 2006, 05:15:20 am
No this isn't gonna be used for in game. I have been there done that kind of thing. Juist talking about stuff.. You could do the same thign on irc or ingame tells. I'm not gonna give much leway for any thing.
Title: RE: Ventrilo?
Post by: Diablo_68 on September 27, 2006, 05:18:15 am
I see.....

Still not sure it is a great idea. But hey give it a try and see what happens.
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: Grid Blader on September 27, 2006, 05:28:41 am
I have seen one server that used it, you can throw rp right out.
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: LynnJuniper on September 27, 2006, 05:45:51 am
Then why is talking in IRC and playing at the same time okay but not this?
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: s0ulz on September 27, 2006, 07:52:38 am
LynnJuniper - 9/27/2006  3:45 PM

Then why is talking in IRC and playing at the same time okay but not this?

It's perfectly fine, as long as it's OOC. And noone forces anyone to talk in IRC while ingame, it's their own choice and so would be the choice of Vent.
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: LynnJuniper on September 27, 2006, 08:46:10 am
Mmmhm ^.^ Sounds great to me. I wasn't suggesting rping through Vent. Just that it would be funny to hear some of the stuff that goes on voice acted...
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: DMOE on September 27, 2006, 08:54:35 am
LynnJuniper - 9/27/2006  4:46 PM  Mmmhm ^.^ Sounds great to me. I wasn't suggesting rping through Vent. Just that it would be funny to hear some of the stuff that goes on voice acted...
 *laughs* Yeah like me telling the 2 year to "Put that down....No really...PUT IT DOWN"
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: LynnJuniper on September 27, 2006, 09:09:47 am

Yeah...xD Kinda like that
Title: Re: Ventrilo?
Post by: DMOE on September 27, 2006, 09:16:34 am
Or even better the "No, leave the mouse....get off the mouse, Mummy is using it....OFF THE MOUSE...Great...Now Mummy's dead"
Title: RE: Ventrilo?
Post by: crazedgoblin on September 27, 2006, 09:36:16 am
best one is when the channel is silent and at your end someone in another room asks you if you want a drink and you yell back at the top of you voice yes please, while haveing the mic open...
Title: RE: Ventrilo?
Post by: Wraithdur on September 27, 2006, 11:01:13 am
yeah, but it gets even more confusing when you use the phone at the same time, i end up pressing the hotkey when i speak :p