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Author Topic: Towers of Dregar: Xora's Vial - Release Candidate  (Read 55 times)

Talan Va'lash

Towers of Dregar: Xora's Vial - Release Candidate
« on: February 12, 2007, 11:27:43 am »
Towers of Dregar: Xora's Vial  Xora's Vial gives you the chance to take part in the main Layonara plot leading up to the defeat of Sinthar Bloodstone as you take on the role of an adventurer of moderate skill thrust into circumstances that influence the course of history.   This story was behind the scenes of the main story of Soul of a Lost Ancient as run in the PW, and while it is closely linked it does not require any knowledge of Soul of a Lost Ancient, though those that do will be able to see how the story is part of a much larger picture.  There are several outcomes to Xora's Vial and if you dig deep enough in the legends of Layonara you can find the ripples of each outcome.  Download from this thread:   There are two days left before this FINAL round of testing is over and the module is packaged for release. At this point the module is completely playable as far as I know, but we need to be very sure of that.   I need several more people to grab it and just play it. The only thing you need report is if something goes horribly wrong.  Thanks everyone for your continued help in this endeavor.


Re: Towers of Dregar: Xora's Vial - Release Candidate
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2007, 11:29:56 am »
We would very much appreciate for you guys/gals to download the module and play through it. Right now we are looking for major show-stopping bugs, not the minor stuff--only major stuff. As Talan stated, we are pretty sure all outcomes/endings can be completed but it would help us a lot if you played through and gave us that final feedback.

Thank you.

