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Author Topic: Question about Lore  (Read 61 times)


Question about Lore
« on: August 08, 2006, 12:27:58 am »
I'm not sure if i am to put this here.

I have noticed that the Lore pages with the info of the characters on them have not changed in a long time.
I know that the last time there was a problem with the database of Lore and I think The character pages have not been updated since.

I'm not sure if you already knew about this but I thougth I'd bring it to your attention, just in case.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Question about Lore
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2006, 02:56:01 am »
silverdraco - 8/8/2006  1:27 AM  I'm not sure if i am to put this here.  I have noticed that the Lore pages with the info of the characters on them have not changed in a long time.  I know that the last time there was a problem with the database of Lore and I think The character pages have not been updated since.   I'm not sure if you already knew about this but I thougth I'd bring it to your attention, just in case.  
  This seems to have been posted several times in the last few days though I'm not entirely sure why.
  Your character's lore page will not be updated unless you are in game playing that character when a lore update takes place. They are periodic every x minutes though I don't remember how many.'lash
  Mine was updated several hours ago when I was playing.

