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Author Topic: Down and Out for Quite a While...  (Read 88 times)


Down and Out for Quite a While...
« on: November 18, 2006, 03:01:43 am »
It's official.  My PC Gamer beast machine, the baby that it was, has breathed its last.  Its machine spirit left it for good.  It's just as well anyhow.  Just bagged a new full-time job and have a 14-page paper due January 1st-5th.

I'll see you all around.  If you see me sooner than January, it'll probably be over at a friend's house on borrowed time.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Down and Out for Quite a While...
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2006, 03:05:00 am »
Choose wisely your wishes for this year's christmas ;)


Re: Down and Out for Quite a While...
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2006, 05:15:20 am »
Yes indeed!  The question is...  Salvage the AGP 8X 256mb video card, or go the route of PCI-Express and just splurge a little, eh?

In good need of some tech tips for the next extreme gamer for the next few years ahead.  

My AMD Athlon chip system was running soundly for but a year and a half, sadly a good year past my current warranty.  Not making THAT same mistake again.  70 bucks extra is NOTHING compared to 3 gaurunteed years of freedom.  Also going to demand nothing less than my motherboard having at least 3 DDR slots of RAM, 6GB max, possibly 4 for max 8gb. (just in case I need to run a NWN2 sever while playing on it)  Are there any chips that eat Athlon alive yet, in pure GFX-Gamer 64-bit specs?  I NEED to DESTROY Gothic III  at maximum Pwnage, seeing how sweet I & II were total saga story.  I felt sad at my baseline PC just barely being able to gimp along through the intro,. and refused to play any further without a suitable monster at my disposal.

The toughest part will be weening myself off the Layo People meanwhile.  The areas and the CNR are nothing to compare with the following...

-Ozymandius, oh kindred tongue-in-cheek, cheeky bastard
-CHongo/Noob/Ketibjorn- Known you since worlds before (I'll always be just as stubborn!)
-Praylor Falcus- known you least of all, but most of all... you rock
-Pyyran- all of your characters RPed harder than anybody I ever met
-the Normancalo family- Whatever incarnation, Bjorn's got your back
-Doc- the never on when I am but I bloody love the guy
-Mith- the guy who's not here anymore but I'll always have a place for him deep down in here, *thumps his heart* and many a place elsewhere
-8-Bit the ever on my nerves and by my side
-Kobal- the elder dwarf who needs a good knocking in the noggin to see what Broegar's REALLY up to, despite your clergy dealings
-Uliam- best RPer in a long long while and far more to come (keep an eye on this one)
-Mixafix- should probably play less female hobbits, you will go slowly UNsane... my favorite GM
-Dorganoth- you should really play more often and quit making my world/PRCs rock less, you DESERVE it
-Bandikoot- I love you man.  I'll try to be on at least friday nights with Pooser at his house, if only JUST for you
-Vyris- you were gone a long while, but with me since the dawn of the long haul.  Train those kids to be our dwarven LAN minions!  DWARVEN RULE!
-Diamonedge- always back whenever I'm not, eh?  You ugly buggart!  BOTH myself and Czukay have known you for what, 3 years now?!
-Aliester- dearly departed, wish you didn't let nerd politics get to you so bad... I meen egads, you're getting MARRIED and all, right?  Pffft.  Sods to the naysayers of your character.  I know you better than any of them know themselves
-Doc- did I mention him yet?  can't mention him enough... WHY OH WHY WERE YOU NEVER ON WHEN I WAS???!!!
-Falon- Every time I've logged on with you has been time well spent.  Words cannot express what a wonderful job you do RP-wise, and as an incredible person behind the character
-Celgar- may we tame these machine spirite together.. and OWN the Tyranids!

Most of all to Leanthar & co... I don't know HOW you manage to donate so much bloody time and money resources money bandwidth money MONEY to running D&D for life.  I would have gone insane long long ago, and just blown it all on beer myself.  God bless you sir for persevering through it so that I, this college student of a jobless major, can get drunk and play this game on your dollar

and of course to Czukay, Pooser, Az-Ptol and Klugger, on whose PCs I shall be mooching for Layo-time until I build my new beast-machine, and bribing with countless beers.

Trust me, I have cashflow coming.  This isn't goodbye by any meens... just an elongated hiatus and forthcoming WHOOPING once I get my avatar of cyber justice.  I'll try to schedule Friday nights with the Orlando psychotic crew, and give you goodie goodies something to chatter about by your holy water fountains at the temple ;)


RE: Down and Out for Quite a While...
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2006, 07:51:42 am »
if its only teh chip, replace it.


Re: Down and Out for Quite a While...
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2006, 07:57:23 am »
Lon man, Hurry and get back! My kids are almost ready to join the dwarven legions!

Maybe in your down time I can catch up to you a bit and we can carve a kingdom out on Arabel somewhere when you get back.

I'll miss ya till ya get back!



Re: Down and Out for Quite a While...
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2006, 09:42:03 am »
Yeah, hurry up and frankenstein another monster together! Times spent without Bjorn, Kor, Rakish, or that smelly drunk are poor times indeed! *Laughs.*

Gonna miss you 'till you're back to kill deemuns and giants with me again; I'll try to catch you Fridays!

Best of luck to you indeed.

