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Author Topic: Duelist bug?  (Read 49 times)


Duelist bug?
« on: June 24, 2006, 03:18:45 am »
I've heard a few things about a Bioware issue with the Duelist class that apparently affects play. However, I've not heard what the issue is. As a person who wishes to progress a character into that class (as a HUGE part of the character's life), I'd like to know what the bug is.

I looked in Bioware Issues, but it's not there that I can find.


Re: Duelist bug?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 04:25:04 am »
Akata, playing Angela Swann would be the right person to talk to. He's been playing with it for a while and manages to be quite deadly (Daeron knows from first hand experience).

Talan Va'lash

Re: Duelist bug?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2006, 01:11:38 pm »
Yeah it isn't perfect but the class is still strong.  There's just some things you'll have to do that might be annoying that usually involve resting or relogging. But yeah talk to Akata for an indepth explanation. I've got it written down somewhere here but I can't find it right now.


Re: Duelist bug?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2006, 01:59:57 pm »
Will do, thanks.