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Author Topic: Was I Just Banned?  (Read 67 times)


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    Was I Just Banned?
    « on: June 24, 2006, 03:45:15 pm »
    My account (Sovereign Blood - Player Valenor Fennald) is repeatedly getting booted from the server every time I log on. I havn't broken any server rules to my knoledge and was never informed of being banned. Any idea why this might be happeneing or did I actually do something wrong?


    Re: Was I Just Banned?
    « Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 03:51:37 pm »
    No Matey, You have certainly not been banned - but since theres a huge quest on it is possible that NWN's player limit is reached for a given server.

    Try West it has the fewest players. Or check back in a couple hours.

    Also check out this thread if you have a character of at least lvl 5 and cant connect tonite, you do still get a present. ;)


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      Re: Was I Just Banned?
      « Reply #2 on: June 24, 2006, 03:55:19 pm »
      Ahh whew. Yeah I tried a different server (West as opposed to Central) and it worked fine. I thought for a moment someone got fed up with my character and gave me the royal boot. Thanks for the help Thak.

      -Sovereign Blood


      Re: Was I Just Banned?
      « Reply #3 on: June 24, 2006, 03:56:24 pm »
      We aint doing that Lad, contrary to some rumers ;) Enjoy your time Davaeorn.


      Re: Was I Just Banned?
      « Reply #4 on: June 24, 2006, 05:26:36 pm »
      Sounds to me like you weren't logging into the server your character had last been saved on. We never ban without having a good reason and the person knowing why and being spoken to here.

