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Author Topic: Weird and constructs  (Read 240 times)


Re: Weird and constructs
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2007, 03:07:57 pm »
Here we have a prime example of the debate.  Undead are mindless so weird shouldn't work on them but immunity to mind spells doesn't protect from weird.  True seeing is the only defense but some things are unaffected that don't have true seeing.  Do you have to have a mind to be afraid?  What does it mean to be scared to death?  Is it a shock that increases blood pressure and causes an embolism because Golem's don't have blood but undead do?  Is it an emotional overload from fear that shuts down the mind because then giants and stupid creatures that have no fear should have an increased chance to save and paladins who are immune to fear should be unaffected even without true seeing but.....

I say let's leave the physics to the developers and we the players bow to Lucinda and the weave and let her determine how things work.

If there were going to be future changes to the spell then maybe debating these things could produce a new implementation that would be better but since there are no future changes I don't think we should be coming up with RP situations where spells are acceptable and where they are not.  That's just too much for everyone to keep track of what the consensus opinion is for every spell in every situation.

So while debates can be fun from an intellectual perspective I think we need to not take these debates into the game world since we are not Lucinda or the Team of Layo developers.


Re: Weird and constructs
« Reply #21 on: August 27, 2007, 10:15:30 am »
Quote from: Leanthar
"....So using weird in a dungeon crawl against anything it works on with a group that is tactically coordinating their abilities is fine and using weird over and over while running circles and gathering spawns together to maximize XP per Weird is not ok...."
 "....Maybe it's just me but I don't see a whole lot of value in debating the physics of magic and a lot of harm that can come from it...."
 Spot on with both comments as far as I am concerned.

Can I just clarify something with you you mean "using weird in a dungeon crawl against anything it works on with a group that is tactically coordinating their abilities is fine" is fine from the point of view of what it *mechanically* works on or *RP* works on?

I'd personally assume the RP works on, as RP is the watchword of the world so to speak but it's not a 100% clear so thought I'd check :)


Re: Weird and constructs
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2007, 10:20:55 am »
This world is about RP and our decisions when doing things should focus on the RP side of things.
 "...tactically coordinating..." is a broad term and is clearly nearly impossible to have rules for and without a system that is not broken (or a spell in this case) we can't really enforce it or not.
 So as a point of clarification. Use common sense and error on the side of RP if there is a decision to be made.


Re: Weird and constructs
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2007, 12:52:41 pm »
I think just for simplicity sake I will RP that Lucinda is in charge of the weave and however she wants magic to work is fine with me.  :)

