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Author Topic: Well Done  (Read 97 times)


Well Done
« on: March 11, 2006, 02:02:44 am »
I often see players congratulating GMs for particular quests. I intend to reverse that; I would like to congratulate those players that partook of the 'Murder Most Foul' quest last night. Often GMs are percieved as being there soley for the fun of the players, but we need to enjoy what we do as well, otherwise what would we do it for?

You guys were fun, you RP'd well, and made it a enjoyable short quest. Playing your characters well, and adding special little touches and ideas throughout, makes it all the richer for other players (and GMs).

I just hope I am never in a hostage situation with you guys as the negotiators  :) Some half crazed half giant trying to bash the door down with a pick axe, a dwarf tring to scale a wall and a rogue and dwarf having a heated argument about something or other....I reckon the captive would sooner take her chances with the captor than be rescued.
I dont remember seeing that in any film ... But fun all the same.

Well done people.


Re: Well Done
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2006, 05:42:30 am »
It was a lot of fun, the delicaet niations being hampered by dwafes and gaint tacking the biulding apart, falling gaints and then haveing the hostage tell us she would rather "not be saved thank you very much!", LOL all the way.


Re: Well Done
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2006, 06:35:04 am »
Good job players. *chuckles at the poor hostage*


Re: Well Done
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2006, 06:51:55 am »
Heh, not such a poor hostage...

Y'know, I can't help but feel that if Pyyran had not had that crazy half-crushed dwarf in the way, he'd have been able to hendle the whole situation. *He chuckles.* Then again, I do like how it turned out, more or less... Just wish there'd been a bit more coherence.

I still love all of Oggie's quests. If you can RP your way in, there's no reason to be turned away, so most of the quests I've managed to be on have been by him, and they're FUN!

Gotta admit, though, that paladins get on Pyyran's nerves.


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RE: Well Done
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2006, 08:34:17 am »
Lucky hostage we didn't barge in after that Listen check, or Lucius would try to arrest both :)

I had alot of fun, and among the tension of the situation we had funny moments, such as Mikey sitting on Turor *laughs* And I can't believe none of us suggested calling the authorities!

Thanks to everyone in the quest, can't wait for part two :)

