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Author Topic: Thanks to the players I turned away last night  (Read 45 times)


Thanks to the players I turned away last night
« on: July 15, 2005, 08:29:00 am »
At the beginning of the quest I had to turn away a few people, and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who wanted to participate but was turned away, or bowed out on thier own. Everyone was polite and understanding and I appreciate the maturity everyone displayed, it made the process a lot less uncomfortable for me. Nobody wants to be the bad guy, but I think it improved the overall experience last night with a smaller party.

Thanks again.


Emerald Skye

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RE: Thanks to the players I turned away last night
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2005, 10:08:00 am »
Your welcome:)  It was a big group and I didn't mind at all.   *smiles*