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Author Topic: Looking for a master  (Read 51 times)


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    Looking for a master
    « on: March 06, 2007, 01:46:58 pm »
    Here's my storyline...

      Cire Sparks is my name.. I once lived on the islands of the Serpents, along with the rest of my peoples.

      The beasts were moving towards or little shire, in the woods. I could hear them tromping through the woods nearby. I guess I never really figured out what the creatures were... but they destroyed everything in their path.
    I was just coming back from a hunting some rabbits for dinner.
    Fear seized me when I heard the creatures.. I paused a moment, and then bolted away, as fast as my little legs could carry me. I ran to a cave, where I often stayed on my camping trips in the woods. Sometimes I'd spend days out there, all by myself.. I'd hunt for food, and just enjoy the peace I found in my solace there.
    I reached the cave, quite out of breath. I ducked inside quickly, hoping nothing had heard me and followed me.
    I proceeded to make a barricade at the entrance of the cave, with the firewood I had stocked up in the cave. After making as strong a defense as I knew how, I took a few spare sticks and began making a small fire. I lay awake all night that night, fearing what might have happened to my beloved home, and my friends and family. I roasted a bit of the rabbit I had hunted down earlier that day, and had supper. It wasn't until early the next morning, that I drifted off to sleep for a short time.

      I awoke a couple hours later, still not feeling any more rested than I did before. I pulled down a little bit of the wood, and climbed out of the cave. I glanced around, and at seeing nothing, I began making my way, carefully through the woods towards my village. All the while, expecting to be surprised by some crazed beast.
    I came to the edge of a clearing, only a short way from the village.. I looked up through the hole in the tree canopy, and my heart sank. Several large pillars of smoke rose slowly through the cold morning sky.
    I began to run.. I reached the edge of the forest in minutes, and looked on at what I saw...

      The beasts had slaughtered everyone. The bodies of my family and friends, littered the ground. Most mutilated beyond recognition. I shrieked as I saw one of the beasts stir.. He walked out from behind a burning pile of rubble, that once used to be a building, just a short ways away.
    I quickly ducked behind the trees, and stood still. The creature had heard my shriek and began nosing his way over to my position. He snorted loudly, sniffing all around. When finally he got too close for comfort, I bolted away from my hiding spot, and ran back the direction I had come.

      The creature was right behind me, I could hear it's snorts and heavy breathing as it tried to keep up with me, as I ran through a tangle of branches and vines, trying hopelessly to lose it, or atleast slow it down. Every now and then I would feel it's hot breath on me, and I would bolt off all the faster.
    Atlast! The cave was in sight! I mustered the last bit of my strength, and pushed myself to full sprint. Vines and twigs swatted at my face as I ran, leaving cuts and bruises where they struck me.
    I reached the cave and dove in through the small hole I had made earlier. The beast hit the wall with a *THUD* and made a terrible sound of discomfort. I into the back of the cave and tried to hide myself. The beast tried to tear down the wall I had made.. but apparently I was better at making walls than I thought. The beast finally gave up and stopped pawing at it once it realized how small the entrance was. I hadn't thought of that... I was perfectly safe! There was no way that beast could fit into this cave!
    I giggled to myself in spite of the intensity of the moment. I relaxed a little and began looking around for some more spare twigs  to relight the bed of coals laying where my fire had been the night before.

      I got the fire going, but it was then that I realized.. I had eatin' almost the whole rabbit the night before, and I had no food stocked in my little cave. I began to worry about how long I would be able to stay in this cave.
    I began rationalizing that I could probably sneak out and find some food to kill once things had settled down. With that thought in mind, I settled down to my rabbit stew I had cooked up from a pouch of herbs I had, and some water from my canteen. Thank goodness I had atleast left a cooking pot in the cave.
    After eating I began pulling various splinters from where they had been lodged, by my crazed sprint through the woods. I also took a few of the herbs I had and made a simple healing salve for the cuts and bruises.

      I went to the entrance of the cave later that afternoon, and peered out. I jumped back quickly, seeing that the monsters was still settled outside, lying on the ground, watching the entrance.. just waiting for me to come out.
    At this I began to worry again.. what would happen if I could not get out to find food? Surely the beast would leave eventually.. but what if it didn't?

      2 days past, and the creature still lay outside. I was beginning to wonder how long it could survive without finding food for itself.. and worrying much more about how long I would survive without food! It had been nearly a day and a half without any food! I tried passing the time by carving things out of the twigs and sticks in the cave.. but it was hard, only having the sharp edge of a rock to whittle with, and very little light.

            .....5 days later.....

      I lay on the floor of the cave, weak with hunger and thirst. My water had run out a couple days before, and I could feel my body slowly edging towards my inevitable fate. The beast outside... it was still there! It hadn't moved hardly at all!
    I had all but given up hope by now.. there was no way I was going to get out of this alive.. even if the creature did move now.. I would not have the stamina to hunt something down, or go foraging for food.. and what if it came back once I got out? Then I would certainly be dead when I came back!

      I drifted off to a restless sleep. Nightmares plagued my weary mind. All I could see was darkness... not a hope in the world. It was then that I was awakened by the loud cry of some sort of human creature... it sounded like the voice of one of my people, only much louder and deeper. I struggled my way to the entrance of the cave and peered out. I leaped back as I saw a huge ball of fire flying at the entrance of the cave. After that, alot of shouting, the sounds of magics of all sorts, and then... silence.
    I had crawled back into the very back of the cave, breathless from exerting so much energy. The moment of terror had sapped the last bit of strength from me. I passed out on the floor, and took leave of my senses. The last thing I remember seeing, was the flames from the fireball lapping at the wood barrier at the entrance of the cave, and the feeling of complete hopelessness and terror.

          .....2 weeks later.....

      My eyes opened, and I saw before me, a VERY large creature......

      To make a very long story short.. I discovered the creature to be a human! He was indeed a magic caster. He had rescued me from the cave and nursed me back to health.
    Over the months I grew to trust the human, and swore an oath to aid him in any way I could, until death take one of us by the hand, and lead us to another plane.
    My new master traveled from place to place.. I stayed in the wizards house when he would go adventuring.. as I was still recovering physically and mentally from the experience in the cave. However, I never missed a chance to study the magics he used when he was around. I took care of my masters spell components and belongings in his absence. I had a knack for picking up magic tricks.. and soon found that I knew a fair amount of magic. However.. my master seemed to spend hours studying old books and scrolls to understand the powers he possessed, or wished to possess.. whereas the magic seemed to flow through me. Perhaps from my bloodlines.. I'm not sure.
    Either way.. as time went on, my master began noticing my magic skills.. and after regaining my strength, he offered to take me on as his apprentice, and take me along on his adventures. I accepted with great glee. It so happens that tomorrow is my first adventuring trip with my master......

    This is the bio for my new Brownie character.. it still needs to be approved, however.. I need someone to help back this up.
    I'm looking for someone who plays a human wizard or sorcerer who would be willing to take on Cire as their apprentice. You'd need to own a house, or rent one.. and would probably need to be atleast lvl 10.. seeings as the wizard Perry is talking about is somewhat experienced and powerful.
    If you would like to be a part of this roleplay experience, and your character fits the storyline.. please either reply here, or send me a PM.

    P.S. I could also slightly change the bio to fit a sorcerer if need be. I'm just basically looking for a mage of any sort that is willing to play this part. Thanks :)


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      Re: Looking for a master
      « Reply #1 on: March 06, 2007, 02:39:27 pm »
      I have one application for the position as Cire's master. If you would like to apply, please fill this out and post it here, or PM it to me.. so I have an idea what your character is like.


      Full Name:
      House? Y/N:
      Basic description of your characters temperament:

      Also.. if you feel like it.. tell me how you think your character would fit this RP.


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        RE: Looking for a master
        « Reply #2 on: March 06, 2007, 05:37:33 pm »
        *bump* Please.. I need more applicants.


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          Re: Looking for a master
          « Reply #3 on: March 07, 2007, 02:20:13 pm »
          The position of the master has been filled. Thank you to those of you who took the time to apply.

