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Author Topic: Werewolf origins in Layo  (Read 289 times)


Re: Werewolf origins in Layo
« Reply #40 on: October 12, 2007, 11:53:46 am »
cause werewolves are inherently chaotic evil, where as were bears are inherently chaotic good, and were boars and simply neutral like their dire boar kin


Re: Werewolf origins in Layo
« Reply #41 on: October 12, 2007, 12:28:07 pm »
Quote from: Falonthas
cause werewolves are inherently chaotic evil, where as were bears are inherently chaotic good

Isn't Chaotic Good just as imbalanced as Chaotic Evil?  Both are the same distance from True Neutral on the alignment grid, so it seems Druids should have difficulties with both as neither touches on the balance of Neutrality.  

Naming the alignments doesn't seem to answer why werewolves are bad and werebears are good from a Druid's perspective.


Re: Werewolf origins in Layo
« Reply #42 on: October 12, 2007, 01:54:18 pm »
werewolves were typically shown as the evil antagonist while werebears were those who were bit and seen as protectors of sort

those born lycanthropes or natural weres i read about their shift beast didnt have to so with their bite as there wasnt one but their upbringing to which beast they became once they came of age

but of course all this is simple supposition and only what L and Ed have laid down in the backgrounds will actually apply


Re: Werewolf origins in Layo
« Reply #43 on: October 13, 2007, 04:42:11 am »
There's no hard and fast rule like werewolves are always evil and wereboars are always good.

But where does the werewolves are bane of nature and wereboars are a druid's best friend come from?


Re: Werewolf origins in Layo
« Reply #44 on: October 13, 2007, 05:17:39 am »
Ever seen the ancient ruins in the dragon isles filled with lycanthropes? *background scary music*

Actually to my knowledge the concept of good and evil aligned lycanthropes goes back to ancient times when bears were considered by many people around the world to be powerful spirit guides and would guide a soul to the underworld safely and fight off evil spirits and such thus they were seen to be 'good' whereas wolves have for the most part always been portrayed as the archetypal servant of dark spirits and evil.

So too the wereboar's which are also characterised as good are seen as good spirits whose strength, endurance and raw power was seen by warriors who killed and drank their blood or ate their flesh to pass on those abilities to them.

oh and there are tales of 'good' werewolves but somehow they are always white or silver in colour..again some archetypal or romantic influence coming in there.  :)

