Many of us have lamented recently about the waning of players IG these days. Use to be we could hop on and within 30 minutes find 2 or 3 like minded adventures that we could go out and explore with. Now a days seems the few that are on are involved in crafting or some other endeavor and not readily available for said adventuring. With such a colorful world seems a shame not to explore. So what is an adventurer to do?
1. Solo : Is not nearly as fun and is darn dangerous ?
2. Attend GM Quests : Probably a personal issue, but RL schedule has made this very difficult in recent times.
3. Make it happen with player events : Thank you to Chazzler and Chongo (in the past) for doing this so well. I wish more would/could do this including myself.
Are there other options? Technical feasibility aside, would a scheduling tool (either IG or on the web site), where players could sign up and tell everyone when they would be available for adventuring be helpful. Just a thought, but would welcome the discussion.