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Author Topic: A question for single-player mode in NWN  (Read 64 times)


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    A question for single-player mode in NWN
    « on: May 16, 2006, 10:06:43 am »
    Hi all. I asked this directly to Leanthar, but since he recently informed me that single-player for NWN isn't his speciality, I follow his advice by asking here about it. The questions are:

    Layo's spell effects and PrC's. Is it possible to create my own PrC or to change a spell's graphic for the single player game? I'm interested in doing so, but I'm not even sure if it's possible (It's doable in multiplayer, but no one can tell for sure if it applies to single player, too). If the answer is "yes", then how is it possible to do so? What do I require to do it? Is there a web page that I can look in about this?

    All help is appreciated :)


    Re: A question for single-player mode in NWN
    « Reply #1 on: May 16, 2006, 10:10:03 am »

    It should be, the PRC-pack enables you to use custom prc's and spells for the SP-campaign. So it should be possible.


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      Re: A question for single-player mode in NWN
      « Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 10:41:49 am »
      Wow. I'm left in awe at the hugeness of that web page. Thank you, Filatus! Now, these PrC's and base classes are usable in user-made Modules, yes? That's what I was aiming for, since I'm not interested in playing the sp-campaigns once more :P


      Re: A question for single-player mode in NWN
      « Reply #3 on: May 16, 2006, 11:56:59 am »
      Depends.  Some people will put stuff in their hakpaks to prevent BASE class choices, let alone PrCs. Override will be teh win most of the time, though.


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        Re: A question for single-player mode in NWN
        « Reply #4 on: May 16, 2006, 12:45:16 pm »
        darkstorme - 5/16/2006  11:56 AM

        Depends.  Some people will put stuff in their hakpaks to prevent BASE class choices, let alone PrCs. Override will be teh win most of the time, though.

        What you speak of interests me and I wish to know more :)

        How do you place the classes or PrC's in the Override so that I can use them in certain modules?

        Talan Va'lash

        Re: A question for single-player mode in NWN
        « Reply #5 on: May 16, 2006, 08:47:49 pm »
        well, if you're making your own mod just include the hak in it in the toolset under module properties in the custom content tab.  Though you have to be carefull about conflicting 2das.

        To unpack a hak for use in your override directory use a tool like NWViewer or NWTool, theres quite a few out there, look on the vault for them.  Once you extract the stuff from the hak put it in your override folder.  

        I strongly suggest keeping multiple override folders for various uses and swapping them out when needed

        i.e.  rename your current override "layonara - override" or "default - override" and then make a new "override" and place the new stuff in there.  Then to switch back name "override", "PrC - override" and "default - override" to "override"

        This is neccessary because having weird stuff, ESPECIALLY anything that modifies classes may render characters invalid on servers that enforce legal characters.  This is to prevent exploits using class overrides (like deciding to override the fighter class so that any ftr you create gets every feat, dragon wings and +40 str at 1st lvl and then trying to log onto a multiplayer server with that character.)