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Author Topic: For any who plan on attending my quest on Wed 22nd  (Read 148 times)


For any who plan on attending my quest on Wed 22nd
« on: March 20, 2006, 05:14:01 pm »
Right, good news, I've decided to start this off in Velensk and will edit the calander entry accordingly.

Second, bad news, this past weekend I botched a Linux install badly, far worse than anything I've done in the past 10 years.  But by sheer stroke of luck finally got my system to boot back into Windows for the time being.  I'm also looking at a lot of mandatory overtime at work this week.  So there is a chance that this quest will have to be pushed back a few days, or maybe even till next week.

My backup system still functions (yay!!) but that's about only good for forum access so if anything changes for the worse, I will be able to give you all plenty of notice.

A pre-thank you for your understanding


Re: For any who plan on attending my quest on Wed 22nd
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2006, 02:54:05 pm »
Good news, able to reboot on demand and still get back into windows with no lockups.  So we are definately (unless something tragic happens with little to no warning) good to go tomorrow night.  Also keep in mind that this is just an introduction, might get better or far worse from here on out...*insane laugh*


Re: For any who plan on attending my quest on Wed 22nd
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 11:31:01 pm »
Geat!  Thanks for the heads-up, darkwulf365.

