The World of Layonara

The Layonara Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: orth on February 20, 2013, 12:40:45 pm

Title: Where's the Server Status page at?
Post by: orth on February 20, 2013, 12:40:45 pm
 Finding it hard to navigate the new forums.Question as it is... where's the server status page?
Title: The server status page is
Post by: orth on February 20, 2013, 12:35:12 pm

The server status page is just about done. It will be available tonight.

For more details on the new site, please visit the Welcome to the New Site post.

Title: I'm glad. If it were
Post by: LordCove on February 20, 2013, 12:37:56 pm

I'm glad. If it were somewhere obvious I'd have felt a noob ;)

Thanks Orth

Title: Here it is
Post by: Xaltotun on February 22, 2013, 08:51:23 am

Here it is LC: and by the way, am I the only one who finds the pages reaaalllllyyyy slow to load?

Title: No, they load dog slow for me
Post by: cbnicholson on February 22, 2013, 10:29:23 am

No, they load dog slow for me too, in IE or Firefox.  I've set my posts to ten per page, but it only seems to help a little.

Title: cbnicholson wrote:No, they
Post by: orth on February 22, 2013, 11:10:21 am

Quote from: cbnicholson

No, they load dog slow for me too, in IE or Firefox.  I've set my posts to ten per page, but it only seems to help a little.

I was unaware folks were having performance issues. Things are lightning fast for me. Has it always been this way? Is it on all pages or just the forum?

Title: Web pages load alright, but
Post by: RollinsCat on February 22, 2013, 11:18:58 am

Web pages load alright, but the forums drag for me.  I had the portraits page refuse to load multiple times and the Angel's Guild price list as well until I set the posts per page at ten.  I use IE and google chrome and in both the forums are extremely slow.

Title: RollinsCat wrote:Web pages
Post by: orth on February 22, 2013, 11:21:00 am

Quote from: RollinsCat

Web pages load alright, but the forums drag for me.  I had the portraits page refuse to load multiple times and the Angel's Guild price list as well until I set the posts per page at ten.  I use IE and google chrome and in both the forums are extremely slow.

The portraits post had one post that was over 1.5MB as Cord's portraits were somehow embedded as text, I deleted that and it shouldn't be an issue any more. If a page has a ton of formatting (color, font, size) from the old forums they can take longer to load.

Title: Pretty much what Rollins
Post by: cbnicholson on February 22, 2013, 03:53:57 pm

Pretty much what Rollins stated.  From the get go, it's been this way, glad to say errors are way down.  The forums just load..well slow.  5-10 seconds for a thread to come up at least compared to milliseconds on the old forums.  It's not me, I know.  I'm sitting on a very high speed corp connection here.