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Author Topic: Darkness Spell and scroll  (Read 67 times)

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Darkness Spell and scroll
« on: November 12, 2005, 12:47:00 pm »
Is using the spell and or scroll of "Darkness" by a good alignment character considered appropriate?

To use the spell is first question then to use the spell to put all around a resource to gather that resource so no creature will attack you while you gather seems to be NOT in the values of this server, am I correct?


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RE: Darkness Spell and scroll
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2005, 07:57:00 pm »
hee, you can train droping in on a Cnr thing and tring to gather, but the monster will hear/see you and run in there and get you... so in other words, that propablem has been fixed. As for it being a alignemnt spell.. i think it can be used by all alignament.

D Blaze

RE: Darkness Spell and scroll
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2005, 08:23:00 pm »
I think it is about how you use the spell that would be dictated by alignment.

Good people might cast it so allies in a losing battle might escape in the cover.

Neutral rogues might drop it on a person in the middle of the night on an open street, then run up and rob you blind, hehe.

Evil people would cast it on someone, then sneak up and slit your throat without any fuss of you being able to defend yourself.

Magic is just magic, it is the caster that uses it for good or ill effect.

