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Author Topic: Where is there storage for CNR Components?  (Read 75 times)


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    Where is there storage for CNR Components?
    « on: November 12, 2005, 10:07:00 am »
    I'd like to try crafting bows and arrows for Gildor but, with all the components required for those items, I cannot carry everything with me.  I've been told housing is expensive and not availble and I've put a note in the inn asking for a room to rent that has some sort of storage facility.

    Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can get some place to store my CNR components?




    RE: Where is there storage for CNR Components?
    « Reply #1 on: November 12, 2005, 10:18:00 am »
    Well, there are two other places you can put things. One is in your chest at the bank. If you go past the bank teller, there are chests in the back of the bank. You can open one and store things in it. The other is on an ox. Ox Merchant Granvil can sell you one of those.

    Beyond that, you just have to gather a few resources, then make some items, then repeat.



    RE: Where is there storage for CNR Components?
    « Reply #2 on: November 12, 2005, 10:35:00 am »
    yup, the ox is your best bet for CNR stuff, except for sand.


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      RE: Where is there storage for CNR Components?
      « Reply #3 on: November 12, 2005, 11:24:00 am »
      Ok so if I keep stuff in the ox, log out, and then log back in it will still be on the ox?

      The chests in the bank are pretty worthless since they only seem to hold 7 items.  It takes more than that to make one arrow.

      Thanks for the help



      RE: Where is there storage for CNR Components?
      « Reply #4 on: November 12, 2005, 11:43:00 am »
      Stuff will be on your ox after logging out and back in if you make sure to load the pack back onto your ox. And the bank chest can hold up to 10 items,


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        RE: Where is there storage for CNR Components?
        « Reply #5 on: November 12, 2005, 12:43:00 pm »
        Well aparently I can only load three branches on an ox.  If I load any more they disappear when I try and unload them.  What good is the ox if I can only carry three pieces of wood?

        How can somone learn to craft if they have no place to store the materials needed?



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          RE: Where is there storage for CNR Components?
          « Reply #6 on: November 12, 2005, 12:45:00 pm »
          are you sure it didn't just go into the next tab? look at the top, the number should increase. click on the arrow and you can see the est of your wood.......


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            RE: Where is there storage for CNR Components?
            « Reply #7 on: November 12, 2005, 01:01:00 pm »
            oops..  Thats where they went....



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              RE: Where is there storage for CNR Components?
              « Reply #8 on: November 12, 2005, 02:35:00 pm »
              Don't put stackable tihngs (Like arrows) Into your Ox. It destroys them, or messes up some scripting...

