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Author Topic: Cant bring up missing Haks  (Read 86 times)


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    Cant bring up missing Haks
    « on: October 22, 2008, 12:07:02 pm »
    I was accepted to Layonara a while back and I decided to make a new character yesterday. On the Hak page, instead of downloading the all in one hak I decided to download the 3 recent (1.69 haks I guess)
    layov3_extra_v1.hak and
    As I went to the hak page and selected these 3 haks, there was no link to the haks. They showed the haks on the page, but I could'nt mouse click on them to DL them, if you know what I mean? Probably a noob question but I had trouble with this a few months ago as well.


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      Re: Cant bring up missing Haks
      « Reply #2 on: October 22, 2008, 02:00:35 pm »
      It might be that your sesion expired and you weren't logged in. I think it is made so you must be logged in to be able to see hak files as links and therefore able to download them with one click.

      Also not sure about this, but I think you need all the hak files not just 3 of those to run the module and join the server, but someone else should confirm this.

