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Author Topic: Why do Druids get so little respect?  (Read 1172 times)


RE: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2007, 07:48:05 am »
I had been wanting to contribute to this thread and hadn't quite worked out how to get across what I wanted to say until.....  
IceDragonDuvessa - 2/21/2007  3:15 PM  People are part of the great cycle too... sometimes they eat.. sometimes they are eaten though the latter less often.  Theres a lot of ways of interpretting the balance but anyway you look at it good, evil, law, chaos, life and death are all necessary to not tip the scales in one direction or the other. The fanatical preservationist is just as much danger as the wanton slayer of everything.  
 I have met quite a few druids who seem to think that nature should be preserved over everything else and seemed to refused to accept that people are part of the cycle too and I'm sorry....But I am not going to respect a Druid who thinks like that.
  I have also, in my time on Layo heard Rangers who suggested going and killing Griffon's for fun, Druids joking about keeping humans as 'pets' and various other things.
  Respect is a two way street and while NO ONE should be griefed, especially through people breaking character to annoy another character....Respect needs to be earned by druids as much as any other character.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2007, 08:05:38 am »
There is a faction within the world of Layonara that believe that nature should be put above anything else. That cities should be razed and hunters slain before they slay an animal.

But if druids that belong to the "regular" druid network threaten to kill others for hunting badgers for a skin that will enable the pelt trader in the crafthouse to heal his wife they are probably in the wrong place.


RE: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2007, 08:18:41 am »
Two writers are in discussion about a special town for may not end up in game, but as an RP location, it will be another place where druids and rangers make the rules :).

Just a heads-up teaser for the future!


Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2007, 09:47:01 am »
Hey..Falon was cool. I was wondering where she went. :-)


Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2007, 10:04:26 am »
Good tip to druids (I use it with Favner)
1) As LordCove said - try with diplomacy to agree on not killing animals before moving out..
2) If you join a party that wants to get ..silver.. then tell those materialistic bastards they can keep all the silver. Only if they hurt an animal (or something) you will take part in the amount - which you afterwards will throw in the trashcan in front of them ;)
3) Number 2 is something all crafters will hate, but they have been warned. (And I do it, may you like it or not and come up with all your arguments for or against. Favner will still do it) :)

4) Druids gets respect. As a druid-player is it up to you to find a way to change/bend the minds of the normal people to have them think before they act... Like a priest converting someone.... force and anger does not work here


Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2007, 10:34:54 am »
Mind you not all druids are fanatically committed to preserving the lives of animals at all times.  Narnulubat my half orc druid has upset many other druids and rangers, in that he takes obvious pleasure in hunting and killing.  He as a half orc is drawn more to the 'red in tooth and claw' philosophy of nature and to its seemly chaotic face.  Mind you he is fully committed to preserving the balance, for although he represents one side of nature he fully supports it's opposite too.


Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2007, 11:20:20 am »
yes im the only fanatically burning of hunters one

and i have tamed down rather much


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Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2007, 01:46:39 pm »
@miasma. It would appear that the post you have linked (twice) upset you deeply. If you want to play a druid, roll one up. If you don't, don't. The person who made the post no longer plays here, but if you are being "tormented" by anyone, get a GM. You now have 3 options:  1) roll another druid, take what may come.  2)roll another class, take what may come.  3)find another server that suits you.  Option 3 isn't a leading favorite, but for the sake of clarity, there it is. This is a game. It's primary function is to divert your attention from reality in a pleasing way. if someone is being a jerk, and hiding behind RP to do it, consider the source.   
  That being said, druids are annoying to non-druids. (Tree-huggers) Paladins are annoying to non-paladins. (Lawful-good). It can be a source of both amusment and frustration, depending. (May edit for formatting when I get to the office)
    Uh, I did not post it twice, I edited it because I did not want to name that person specifically; he was certainly a problem but not the only one at the time. And the post itself did not bother me, but the fact that the contents were were typical of what was being said to me on a near-daily basis over and over (and worse).  And I did try to get some GM help but there is a limit to how much I want to go crying to the teacher when there's a bully on the playground.   But I don't want this to be about me getting harassed and what to do in that situation, I just use my story as an example that druids are a favorite target by some people who may not even have a good reason why (as if all the hatred that was supposed to go to drows is reserved for druids instead.)


RE: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2007, 01:54:10 pm »
Ioskeha - 2/20/2007  5:38 PM

In my year and a half of playing one I have not seen another class get as little respect as a Druid does.  Almost half of my RP with her comes from people going out of their way to make her angry.  And let me tell you that this gets old fast.  It's really no fun to have to RP negative things all the time.  When it comes to battle tactics Druids are alway left out of the planning, from what I've seen.  When I think that any party would like to have us around.  There is no other class that has as much verity as the Druid class does.  We can serve as the main healer (minus res), scout, tank, and supporter.  I know some of it comes from RP, but at times it seems like people break their alignment just to annoy us.

Ack first off sorry you feel this way. Secondly, I am super mean IC, with my PC, to all things fey and elven. I hope you do not play the druid I ran into the other day with Daralith. I feel bad if I sparked this response in anyway. On a side note I just made a druid, so come hang with him! =-)

Outside of that, I can not imagine a single IC reason any elf would treat a druid with disrespect. I suggest traveling in those kind of circles. Avoid dwarfs and "evil" races that care little of the forest.


RE: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #29 on: February 21, 2007, 01:59:37 pm »
Laldiien - 2/20/2007  6:38 PM    Are people going out of their way or just being people?  In my experience, druids are tree-hugging, animal-loving, nature worshippers.  Go druids.  The rest of us, aren't.  I have never gone out of my to annoy a druid, but here's an example.  I am on my way to the Sielwood when I run past a goblin.  As I am smacking down the goblin, when a druid happens by  Just after the goblin is dead, the raven starts in.  I kill it.  Not really much of a choice, as I can't pacify and I didn't have sanctuary or invis up.  As the raven has nothing of interest, I start walking away.  The druid starts in on "Why am I killing nature", and "Why am I wasting natures bounty?"  yadda yadda.  My reply is this.  I am perfectly happy to leave nature alone, if nature leaves me alone.  If nature decides it doesn't like me, well, may the most sentient win. 
  That being said, I have seen some of the best RP out of druids when they are defending what they perceive to be the right thing.  But my character really isn't concerned with their dogma, so it slides in one ear and right out the other.  Now, at the same time, almost without exception, I have not seen a druid that wasn't a fanatic about it.  That get's old, too.
  If people are breaking their alignment just to annoy you, I submit they aren't role playing, they're just being asses.
  This is very true, and is why I suggest to druids out there to take more of a "respect" for nature attitude. I suggest RPing in a fashion where you do not condem someone for killing the falcon, but insist they do not waste what they have killed. For instance if someone kills a deer, and you witness it, make sure they take the hides and meat. RP that the forest knows you must take from it, but do so only in need. When you are out hunting with a group, suggest going around the animals, because you do not need their hides and meat. If you have to kill them (this is usually an AI reason), then RP being sadden by it.


Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2007, 02:13:30 pm »
Harlas Ravelkione - 2/21/2007  8:05 AM

There is a faction within the world of Layonara that believe that nature should be put above anything else. That cities should be razed and hunters slain before they slay an animal.

But if druids that belong to the "regular" druid network threaten to kill others for hunting badgers for a skin that will enable the pelt trader in the crafthouse to heal his wife they are probably in the wrong place.

There is a reason a Druid is suppose to be TN and believe in balance. There is nothing wrong with taking from the land, as long as you are taking only what you need, and giving back what you can. Killing a deer for the hide and meat is acceptable. It is the slaughtering of animals for only their hides that would be frowned upon, or should be frowned upon.


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Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2007, 04:18:00 pm »
My Rofirein paladin has an interest in druids, based upon his character background.  As a young adventurer new to Mistone, there were two druids that he felt a connection with.  It was their influence that keeps me to this day trying to avoid the Griffons outside Fort Hope and not disturbing ravens and ants for corn.

The first, Luna Moonchaser, was this knowledgeable and wise woman who was always polite and kind to everyone.  To see her step out of the trees was always pleasant, and seemed to demand respect.  He still thinks of her when the topic of druids and their nature arise.  

The second, the nameless druid, seemed to be searching within herself, and I witnessed and participated in some very good RP discussions.  So much that on at least three occasions my paladin and she parted ways with a promise to get together another time and fully discuss our views.



Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2007, 04:32:15 pm »
I wonder what the high druid of the under dark is up to right now....

Good thread here!



Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2007, 05:01:05 pm »
Drizzlin - 2/21/2007  2:13 PM

Harlas Ravelkione - 2/21/2007  8:05 AM

There is a faction within the world of Layonara that believe that nature should be put above anything else. That cities should be razed and hunters slain before they slay an animal.

But if druids that belong to the "regular" druid network threaten to kill others for hunting badgers for a skin that will enable the pelt trader in the crafthouse to heal his wife they are probably in the wrong place.

There is a reason a Druid is suppose to be TN and believe in balance. There is nothing wrong with taking from the land, as long as you are taking only what you need, and giving back what you can. Killing a deer for the hide and meat is acceptable. It is the slaughtering of animals for only their hides that would be frowned upon, or should be frowned upon.

TN druids is old school D&D.  Now day and in Layonara, a druid has to have one axis on N, but can be LN, CN, NG or NE.  Though, what you are saying about balance is defiantly true.

I think the concept of bio diversity is very hard to grasp by people who have not spent a lot of time in nature.  Thus the druids on Layo are most commonly associated with this dogma of do not kill animals ever.  Truth is, nature is not like that at all.  All life is struggling, competing and killing other forms of life.  Even trees will starve other trees to death in their competition for light.  Though, I have only seen this 20 years after a clear cut.  That being said, a lot of animals will fight over mates and territory.  Some times to the death.  If they don't hunt, then they are hunted by something, and many are both predators and prey.  Birds in particular are very fascinating like that.  The important thing about bio diversity, is that while individual lives come and go, all forms of life are vital to the existence of all other forms.  If you take away the spiders, then the trees will be infested with zillions of insects.  If you take away the trees, then the undergrowth plants die, because they get too much sun light, and not enough water.  Take away the under growth, and the deer herds die.  Take way the deer and the lions die.  The raccoons run off and some trash can to dig food out of, but they are smart like that.



Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2007, 05:09:09 pm »
Layo druids remind me of those overly earnest people you usually find in a yoga class. Everything is serious, everything is important with a capital I. Earnestness of that degree inspires ribbing and the kind of joshing that could easily be taken for lack of respect -- especially by a person who is very very earnest. Like AeonBlues suggested, being a druid doesn't mean that you value animal life over human life. Neutrality means you accept both destruction and construction, life and death. I prefer to play druids as stewards instead of protectors, it gives them more freedom to be grubby, crotchety antisocial hermits. *wanders off to drag out his druid* Redhawk

gilshem ironstone

Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2007, 05:41:55 pm »
I think preservation of nature is like a moderate present day environmentalism movement.  Minimize your footprint.  In Layo if you are truly Eco conscious you do not need to cut down every tree for your CNR... Take like three branches from every tree in the grove.  Use all of your animal kills, like has been said through out this post.  It is a tough line to RP though, being a natural protector and not always being able to be accepted for what is essentially a benevolent and rewarding practice.  If bartering ideals does not work, perhaps the druids can speak the city language of money and ask skinners to bring them the meats and receive compensation for it.  Just an idea... Having never played a druid and having never RP'd near one for a long time (except Brisbane, and Gel could never get past her vivacity to appreciate her druidness), it is hard to advocate a fix for this situation.  Except perhaps don't get on the case of a dwarf because most are lost causes.


Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #36 on: February 21, 2007, 06:00:43 pm »
miasma_hemlock - 2/21/2007 4:46 PM  
  Uh, I did not post it twice, I edited it because I did not want to name that person specifically; he was certainly a problem but not the only one at the time. And the post itself did not bother me, but the fact that the contents were were typical of what was being said to me on a near-daily basis over and over (and worse). And I did try to get some GM help but there is a limit to how much I want to go crying to the teacher when there's a bully on the playground. But I don't want this to be about me getting harassed and what to do in that situation, I just use my story as an example that druids are a favorite target by some people who may not even have a good reason why (as if all the hatred that was supposed to go to drows is reserved for druids instead.)
 Absolutely correct, I apologize. I get the postson my Blackberry just after they are posted. If a post is edited, I am *not* notified. So when I replied saying you had posted twice, I was mistaken.
  I will however stand behind the sentiment that if someone if griefing you, grab someone. It may feel like 'tattling', but the alternative is deleting your toon in a fit of pique and later regretting it.


Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2007, 06:05:11 pm »
Lots of great post to read, re-read, and think about.  Someone asked if this come from something that happened in-game not too long ago.  Nope, it didn't.  The has been on my mind for quite awhile now.  I wasn't asking to complain or anything.  Just wanted to know why Druids get so little respect.  As I said; I have been playing on for awhile here, and I've gotten use to the to it.

The only thing I said that could be taken as a complant is the planning of battle tactics.

Looking at a druids uses in a party rather than RPing your character as they would react to one is metagaming and poor RP.

I've lost cout of how many times I have been in a party, and the leader comes up with a plan of action.  Then watch the leader address everyone in the party but me.  It makes both me and my PC feel left out and not really wanted in what ever party I've RPed my way into.  Maybe it's because people and their PCs really don't know what Druids can do?  I don't know.  It's something I would like to change though.

Talan Va'lash

Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #38 on: February 21, 2007, 11:36:16 pm »
The times I get angry are when I have tamed an animal and someone decides its necessary to force attack it anyhow or does not give me the time to tame it before turning to kill it.

I don't think this happens. I've killed stuff thats been tamed, but it's because the thing doesn't become non-hostile for a couple seconds and unless you're constantly holding tab you have no way of knowing since it doesn't cancel attack actions when they become friendly.


Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« Reply #39 on: February 22, 2007, 04:35:20 am »
Talan Va'lash - 2/21/2007  11:36 PM

The times I get angry are when I have tamed an animal and someone decides its necessary to force attack it anyhow or does not give me the time to tame it before turning to kill it.

I don't think this happens. I've killed stuff thats been tamed, but it's because the thing doesn't become non-hostile for a couple seconds and unless you're constantly holding tab you have no way of knowing since it doesn't cancel attack actions when they become friendly.

Once upon a time, a little Drow did this...=P

The ranger was pretty ticked too... The ranger said something along the lines of, "Why did you do that? I had it under control; the animals were going to stop attacking you!” Then the Drow said something like, "First off, don't ever speak to me again with that sheep kissing mouth of yours, because I never asked to you be here in the first place. As far as why I did that, to teach it a permanent lesson for attacking me in the first place. Lastly, the presumption that a Darthir has anything "under control" is laughable at best."

That Drow and Ranger never "hung" out again. The end...

Now of course that is an extreme case, but it still happened hehe.