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Author Topic: Thoughts on the economy  (Read 218 times)


Thoughts on the economy
« on: February 16, 2007, 06:07:58 am »
I've noticed an interesting development as the number of active people and crafters climb. Prices of raw materials are going up--with more people collecting, CNR is harder to get, and more people want it. Prices of finished goods are trending downwards as more people make things. This hasn't reached the higher end items, but is definitely a factor in low and even many middlevalue goods.


RE: Thoughts on the economy
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2007, 06:36:06 am »
One way I've found to avoid being trapped by the increasing demand for CNR is to find alternate sources for the CNR base components you're looking for.  Most CNR can be found in more than one location if you're willing to look for it, granted some locations require a bit higher-level party/character to access safely.  For instance, I've seen cotton growing in other areas besides the area north of Hlint, and so when the cotton north of Hlint seems to be getting picked as fast as it can grow I seek out some of these other places to collect cotton from.

Keep in mind also, if other crafters are like me, they'll likely give you a discounted price if you supply them with the materials for what you need crafted since it means they don't have to spend the time gathering themselves.


RE: Thoughts on the economy
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2007, 09:59:31 am »
I think it is mostly about the 'time' it takes to collect the CNR. I would gladly pay 2k-3k for a box of silk (17 bowstrings/threads) then to collect it myself where I would only be able to make one, maybe two bowstrings at a time. I then turn around and sell the bows/tailored goods to the pawn shop or donate them to the temple. I may get my money back or not. For me, though, it is about the fun of crafting. I sell my high end stuff only and then it is rarely sold. Usually jus goes to the pawn shop or a relief drive.

Crafting is fine. Everyone trying to sell the same thing or the low end itmes is what makes the economy go down on those items. What sells is the unique items or items that are in the middle process of a higher end items. For example, silk is good to sell, but a box of thread would go for a lot more.


RE: Thoughts on the economy
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2007, 11:57:14 am »
Serissa - 2/15/2007  2:07 PM

Prices of raw materials are going up--with more people collecting, CNR is harder to get, and more people want it.  Prices of finished goods are trending downwards as more people make things.

Crafting is a see-saw and tends to balance itself out - as the trend continues people will decide they won't continue crafting for the small benefits and stop. This will put availibility of resources up, while at the same time upping the price of finished goods.

