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Author Topic: Insightful Video - Drinking & Driving  (Read 360 times)


RE: Insightful Video - Drinking & Driving
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2006, 04:52:29 am »
As a first responder, I have that seen more times than I ever want to.  If I never have to zip one of those bags again, I will be happy.  Teens & Others: For the love of all that you hold dear, don't drink and drive.  Parents: Get in their faces, call the police, do what you have to to stop them.  Friends of all: Hide the keys, deflate the tires, bind them with duct tape.  They may be royally pissed at you in the morning, but they wil get over it.  You don't get over be killed.  You don't get over killing a family on the way to a movie.

I won't get over cutting a car apart to save either, knowing it was completely avoidable.

