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Author Topic: Re: Frozen Language Thread.  (Read 137 times)

Talan Va'lash

Re: Frozen Language Thread.
« on: October 05, 2005, 08:13:00 pm »
The thread was frozen while I was typing.


The whole problem is that people are so easily offended these days.  Or... at least its somehow fashionable to pretend to be.  

Watch an american movie thats PG-13 or even PG, or even turn on the tv.  There are only a few words that are absolutely excluded from these ratings and television in america.

Ass is not one of them.

Did anyone out there see Shrek?  It was rated G in the US (which is the lowest rating possible, kids movies) and contained numbers uses, puns mostly, of the word ass.

I'm sure many reading this have seen the princess bride.  Rated PG, categorized as a "family film", I'm sure many that have seen it remember the scene where Inigo Montoya finally kills that man who killed his father and the word usage that scene contained.

I could post the exact criteria of the movie ratings, but I'm sure someone would be offended by the language needed to define them.

My point is that language that has been deemed inappropriate in this thread is acceptable for a G rated movie.

There is pretty much only one word that is completely restricted from the G and PG ratings, though if it is used as an explative and not in a sexual context ( it can be present in a PG-13 rated movie.  If you can't guess what the word is, the movie rating criteria are outlined more specifically here:



Re: Frozen Language Thread.
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2005, 05:26:00 am »
 Bottom line is, Layonara isn't a movie. This is Leanthar's server. He's chosen to have no cursing. Personally I don't need to actually type out the curse words to play my character as one who curses. It's a smart move... if there's no cursing, no one's gonna be offended by it. (It seems that most people who've spoken up, claim they wouldn't be... but whenever you get a sware word thrown at you, even if it's IC, it can affect you)
   I pretty much grew up hearing all of the words everyone's talking about... heck I could fill a dictionary with them. Regardless, there are some words (deemed G/PG/PG-13 or not) that I still don't care to hear. Just common courtesy and common sense.


Re: Frozen Language Thread.
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2005, 05:58:00 am »
*grins* I must say i agree with Talan. I don't think there is any better place to learn profane language than in a kindergarten. (I Denmark anyway i don't know how the US kindergartens work.) The next level would be elementary school, in Denmark it normal that school kids calls each other "whores" and worse. (They even call female teachers that sometimes, they don't seem to like that for some strange reason.) Hence the best way to keep children from hearing profane language is keeping them away from other children.

But I really don't care if we are allowed to use profane language or not... I think we can state what we want without it, the thing is, however, that there is no guarantee that people wont get offended anyways...

* Scratches his beard and wonders if there was any reason why the thread was frozen in the first place.*

Talan Va'lash

Re: Frozen Language Thread.
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2005, 06:23:00 am »
My point in bringing up the movie ratings was that its been stated many times before that the language should be kept PG.  What was said in that other thread took it much farther than that.

I've never heard much profanity on this server before this rule became so extreme, except for once when someone started mouthing off OOC, but he needed a talking to anyway.. I think he ended up getting banned.  But anyway... When I'm playing my characters and a situation come up where they would say something with a mild explative, I find that it shatters my immersion to have to go "oh wait, can I say that? *delete delete delete* um, allright this is kindof the same."  Then type that instead.  The same goes for getting a tell from a DM after using a mild expletive.  I'm no longer my character doing whatever he was doing, I'm a guy playing a game.  Admittedly the only time this second situation has acctually happened to me was when said expletive was in an OOC comment about something unrelated to the game, so I was was already out of the feel, but my point is the same regardless.

In conclusion, I've never heard anything said IC on layo profanity wise that goes beyond PG before this rule started expanding.  People keep their character's speech clean enough on their own.  I heard less profanity playing layo for the entire last month than I will walking to work today.  Just walking down the street.  

Also, many times I am in a party or RPing with (and only with) a group of people that I know, and that I know are all at least over 20 and will not take offense at any language I may use.

I appeal to L, that could we please keep this (within reason) in the hands of the players to moderate, instead of compiling a list of words that may not be used and making it a rule.




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    Re: Frozen Language Thread.
    « Reply #4 on: October 06, 2005, 06:28:00 am »
    As a guest on Leanthar's server, I honor his rules, of course. I do wonder sometimes, though, that the people that are offended by this inappropriate language, aren't offened by all the killing that is going on. Personally, I would be offended more by that, than by foul language - as long as it is IC -.


    Re: Frozen Language Thread.
    « Reply #5 on: October 06, 2005, 06:46:00 am »
    okay!  I get it! why are we still talking about it?..... geesh....  froze one thread to start another...erm... no offense or anything... *rubs forehead*


    Re: Frozen Language Thread.
    « Reply #6 on: October 06, 2005, 06:51:00 am »
    Harlof: *grins* I must say i agree with Talan. I don't think there is any better place to learn profane language than in a kindergarten. (I Denmark anyway i don't know how the US kindergartens work.) The next level would be elementary school, in Denmark it normal that school kids calls each other "whores" and worse. (They even call female teachers that sometimes, they don't seem to like that for some strange reason.) Hence the best way to keep children from hearing profane language is keeping them away from other children.
     Whoa where are you from! I never heard a child say whore! And Im from Denmark too! Heh heh but yes those kids has a much more "cursed" language than people who are above 14 or 15. (ME!! :) ) I mean when my little sidster got a mobile phone she, in a week, got about 4 times as many sms's containing sexual humor than I had in a year! It can really be annoying when she have some friends at a visit, since big brothers are the haed target for sillyness. And then there is my teenage littlesister! I didnt know a boy could be a witch or bitch :S???

    Biut my view, its not okay to curse in Layo if its some words that dont have anything to do with the world. But words like.... year like.. cursed be it, or damn is used in the middleage, excpecially cursed be something.. But ofcourse Leanther is the creator so if he says it isnt such a middleage world it isnt.
    By the way


    Re: Frozen Language Thread.
    « Reply #7 on: October 06, 2005, 10:49:00 am »
    The thing that makes me laugh about this whole thing is that some of the most innocent words in one culture are swear words in another.  Heh I was going to give an example but I don't want to offend anyone :)  But in my time here I have heard words which are not swear words or vulgarities in the US but over here would be considered highly offensive.  One of which due to new legislation in this country would, if I used it at work would leave my employer legally vunerable and would certainly lead to me being disciplined, yet in the states it wouldn't even raise an eyebrow.

    However...the point of what I want to say is this;  that although you may hear language which seems offensive, or even a swear word it may not have that status in that other players country.  As members of an international community we should all really understand this.


    Re: Frozen Language Thread.
    « Reply #8 on: October 06, 2005, 11:00:00 am »
    steverimmer - 10/6/2005 7:49 PM . However...the point of what I want to say is this; that although you may hear language which seems offensive, or even a swear word it may not have that status in that other players country. As members of an international community we should all really understand this.

      Exactly, and I think that's a nice statement to end this discussion with.