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Author Topic: Ayla Bineau  (Read 623 times)


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Ayla Bineau
« on: December 08, 2005, 03:43:00 am »
Ayla Bineau was born in Kheldell as the oldest of four children, a compassionate and caring woman that held the word of Aeridin in the highest respect.   Ayla did many a great thing throughout her too short life, and made a great impact on many a person who had the luck to meet her. Many recall meeting her in Hlint when they first arrived and how she helped them get started on the life of adventuring. Perhaps many would have found it dull to only help and protect, but Ayla was not so. To her this was the meaning of life, why she was here. She cared as much for one as for another, with no regard to heritage or affiliation, for all life to her was worth saving. As such a more dedicated follower of Aeridin has seldom been seen, even her foes she would care for like she did for Corash the orc.  Once she was part of a band of heroes who sought to end the threat from orcs in the High Forest of Mistone. She and others were turned into orcs to get into the camp in the forest and find a way to defeat the leader called Corash or Red Raven, who could not be slain because of the blade Grand had given to him. Throughout this Ayla never gave up on compassion and she made all who were part of this understand the tragedy that had befallen Corash. So great was her love for life and her caring that she did even seek to redeem those who would kill her. She composed a song of Corash the orc which she sung to him before his blade was broken.  A hunter proud stood on a hill, both happy and content. His skill fed all his growing tribe.  His elders honor sent. The maidens looked at him with awe, and one was special, too. A life of hunting, love and babes stretched out before his view.  But on a hunt he was struck down, not by his prey at all. And not in battle hon'rable was he content to fall. A band of war-bent mercenaries slew him as he stood And chopped at his poor corpse as though 'twere made of only wood.  No chance had he to even fight, against the Vorax-crazed. No time to grasp a weapon tight and strike a blow that dazed. No growing child would look to him for pattern for its life Nor would the Orcs call Corash' shade to keep them safe from strife.  And yet, and yet, One saw the rout and thought to use it well. He snatched the dead unto himself in very depths of hell. An orc, great orc, enormous grown, in hate and power strong, 'Twas Grand himself, betrayed himself, who sought to use this wrong.  Red Raven then, Grand named the dead, and brought it back to life, To life, but only for revenge, tied to a dreadful knife. The blade glowed red, Red Raven blade, imbued with all Grand's hate Red Ravens both, they drank Grand's blood, accepting then their fate.  Still Corash did not know that fate, the deaths that lay in store. He went, he thought, to get revenge from one of Vorax's spore. A dwarf he found in distant Hlint, and challenged him to fight, Skullcracker proved his name that day, though others helped his might.  In agony Corash arose, no peace for him in death. Again he strove, again he lost, again he had no breath. In agony Corash arose, death could not ease his pain. But now he seemed to understand he'd die and die again.  "Vorax!" he screamed. "Vorax betrays!  In this fight you serve Grand!" With skill that rose as fighters closed, he fought with blade in hand. His god's red drink empowered him.  He fought with verve and dash, And yet again, a Vorax win, he died of Skull's fell bash.  Again he drank the evil blood; again he rose from clay, But now Corash more thoughtful seemed, "You've helped me on this day." "Stand back.  I'll go, for now," he said.  "Stand back or I will kill." With measured tread he left the town; he'd made it know his will.  Bound tight to Grand with ties of blood, Red Raven rules his kin. He pushes them to Grand's designs upon the world of men. And yet, and yet, does Corash live within that stern domain? Does Corash mourn the hunt, the love, the maiden without claim?  Could Corash still put down the blade and take his spear anew? Or is he now Red Raven, just Grand's weapon thru and thru? Does Corash mourn the hunt, the love, the maiden left behind? Or is he just Red Raven, and a blade that kills, that's blind?  And THEN, oh then the shaman STRUCK and broke the dreadful blade With spell so strong it smote them both and took a hand in trade. We healed them both, but only one arose from that black hell-- Poor Corash slept, his self sleeps still in Aeridin's fair dell.  Will hunter ever proudly stand upon a hill content? Will mate and child live by his skill, and honor fill his tent? As gods have spoiled, so gods may save, and folk may help his plight. We wait the will of Aeridin to aid us in the fight.  Her gentle voice made even Corash shed a tear, a final tear before it was all over. Had she not moved him so, with her love of all that lives, perhaps today Lar and the Citadel of Dorand there would not stand.  But alas she was taken from this world far too soon. In Haven mines a great host of ogres had taken up residence and as she went down then mines with others a fierce battle ensued. Many fell and alas so did Ayla at the deadly touch of a magic-wielding ogre as she tried to heal those who were badly wounded. The last piece of her soul was taken from her as she fell on the cold stone floor. That night even the sky wept as rain poured down over those who brought her body to Hlint and its final journey.   After her death Ayla was bestowed the title of Honorary Half-dwarf of Mistone by her dwarven friends, for as they said, no human was ever more worthy of such title.  Still though she is gone, she is still with us in spirit. In the hearts of those she touched with her gentle being she will live on, giving them light in their darkest hours.  You will forever be in our hearts Our’ zhann waurhagah poa ar ur’h ’aazhkth


RE: Ayla Bineau
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2005, 04:04:00 am »
In a post sent to all members of the Giant Army

Ayla "Friend to giants" has ouched to death in haven Mines few days ago bye Orcs.
Ayla was also "Kin of giants" for she was the best of us and helped many new giants to find way. We loved her and miss her.
So giants in Glokks Giant Army are to Stand at action at noon today and say a bye bye to Sweet Lady Ayla.

By order of
General Glokk

Caption Spugly Fuglet


Re: Ayla Bineau
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 04:15:18 pm »
Ayla died again today, while waiting to heal the fallen.  She will not be seen again in this world, but will intercede with Aeridin for those who struggle on.