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Author Topic: Ingwe Melwasul  (Read 409 times)


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    Ingwe Melwasul
    « on: August 11, 2004, 08:58:00 am »
    Ingwe Melwasul, or Lynx as he preferred to be called in his last days of life was a quiet man, a quite man searching for enlightenment. Enlightenment to the question, “How do I reach perfection?” Sadly during his life this question was not to be answered. Lynx traveled from the vast deserts of Dregar, to the small and busy adventuring town of Hlint. He searched for adventures, but he never expected to find any such as this.

    The Price of Heroism

    A call for aid sounded from Fort Hope. This small military established town was in danger of being destroyed by a natural disaster, a natural disaster that was not so natural.
    Answering the call for aid a small group of adventurers including Lynx, offered their help to either prevent the dam from breaking and destroying the town, or to pick up the pieces after natures fury was unleashed.

    Arriving at the dam, the group of adventurers set to work trying to devise a way to support the stone structure and hold it back. The adventurers tried several ideas to stop the water from pouring through, from pushing the stones back into the holes, to creating an entirely new dam. But it was the brilliant idea of one odd enchantress that held the dam and the water. Maddison the Enchantress had stopped the dam from rupturing by throwing a fireball at the rocks above to add a new layer of support that would hold the water. The water now stopped and disaster averted the adventurers made their way to the fort to offer their help once more.

    Upon arriving at the fort the rag tag group ran into a Shadow. An odd shadow that asked for their help. He called himself an Immortal Source of Power. He said that an intense magical being was after him. That he had been running for years and should this being catch up to him the Object as it was called would gain ultimate power, yet if he was released by the Object or gained enough distance from it he would fade away and the Object left with nothing.

    After many questions had been asked and too much time had lapsed the Object had finally caught up with his Source of Power. But the group could not let this evil Object have this great power, and they attacked. They hit it with spells, axes, fists and all, but it seemed more like a gentle breeze than a raging fury of attacks to this powerful being.
    This was when it struck Lynx. It could not be destroyed. It had gained ultimate power. It now had no cares no fears there was but one thing they could bargain with, more power. Lynx offered himself as a humble servant to the Object, he offered himself to become the new source. A power source that could continue to grow in power, one that would not defy it as its old source had. After much thought, the Object agreed and the old source was released to fade away beyond the reach of any magic.

    Lynx was now prepared to make what he thought would be a worthy sacrifice. Whispering to his fellow adventurers Maddison and Waha, he beckoned them to kill him and destroy the evil Object’s Source of power. Wanting to destroy this “thing” Waha complied, striking Lynx down with his mighty hammer and leaving the Object nothing more than a helpless mind in a useless shell.

    The Object admitted defeat and in his defeat did what the adventurers could not, destroyed himself. Waha carried Lynx’s body to Dorand’s temple with the others, yet were unable, even with the power of Dorand’s faithful cleric to resurrect Lynx.

    The young monk’s soul rose to the heavens to ask a favor of the dwarven god. He asked to be given time enough to say his goodbyes to his new friends. He was granted this and after his goodbyes were said, and he felt his purpose was served he left the living world. Yet his soul did not go back to Dorand and his eternally flaming forge, it went to another. The Mother of Souls, who would claim another for her purpose, wheather evil or good, Lynx’s soul is now hers.

    His purpose fulfilled, enlightenment thought to have finally reached him, and his soul in the hands of one whose purpose is unknown Ingwe Lynx Melwasul is no longer among the living. But an unknown hero lost to glorious death.

