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Author Topic: from feral to friend  (Read 686 times)


from feral to friend
« on: February 13, 2008, 01:59:16 pm »
Full Name: Drogo
Age: 120
Class(es): Druid
Race: Wild Elven
Subrace: (If Any)
Alignment: TN
Deity: Kitharien as his parents told him the ways of the clan, had been devout though nature in her whole holds his eye and mind

Bio/Description: born to a pair of rangers who roamed through the high forest,choosing to stay within its confines to raise their only son instead of leaving with the rest of the clan when they chose to move onward in their wanderings,young Drogo was at all times immersed in the lore and mysteries of the forest,its delicate beauties and its deadly denizens.

one week after his 50th birthing day his parents took him through the woods to see Harmony Grove for the first time,and they stumbled upon an ogre raiding party tearing a herd of deer apart with gleeful joy. his parents reacted swiftly and took down two of the ogres with well placed arrows before they became surrounded and cut off from him where he watched from the foliage. in barbaric furvor the ogres quickly dispatched his parents with mind numbing torture,ripping limbs and using the trees as obstacles for the thrown body parts.blood and gore covered the small glade,elf,deer,and the three ogre dead all mixed in mangled masses.shaken by the sight he only stayed still under the cover of the thick leaves and branches unable to move had he wanted too until long after the ogres left on their way

stumbling through the forest for days after eyes glazed and not knowing where he was,a lone figure slowly led him to a hollow tree and with a soft voice enspelled him into a long and drawn out slumber.when he woke the figure was still watching over him a small fire and some food nearby....

in the months that turned to years the figure, a druid of the High Forest, taught him many ways of the woods that some came naturally to him,and yet some he had not even thought had been able to be done.animals,plants,and the all encompassing nature took him under wing and brought forth the latent ability within...

on a normal trek from tending a small glade of young saplings, he heard a loud noise and when approaching silently,an ogre was seen drinking from the small stream,a blood frenzy over came Drogo and after a swift volley of two arrows then his sickle in hand began to dismember the beast ,blood and entrails flying in his blind the sun fell behind the tops of the trees and darkness came over him,still covered in the blood of the beast that had taken his only family from him, falling into the thick moss as the frenzy ebbed from his trembling form and blissful slumber claimed over him......

thus began the free roaming path of a wild elven druid Wmeve in his native tongue, and after a brief meeting with the gold dragon Ozlo, Drogo found himself in a strange place indeed.
Hlint was like a place he had only heard in nightmares, at the story circle, wooden walls and gates to keep free ranging creatures from getting inside, and Humans, Elves, Halflings, Dwarves all roaming about as a group.
Not knowing the human tongue made things hard at first, the people about spoke so rapidly around the young elf, pulled from his forest home by the whim of the ancient wyrm. After a week roaming about getting his bearings, Drogo came across a smaller group, all elves save one, a small hooded and cloaked mage that smelt like fire.
Grem was his name , and the others turned out many knew since being called and brought by the dragon. Ari was an archer from another clan so he felt somewhat at home, while the other two he didnt know how to react. Neppayako and Cymeran were black skinned from the deep, kin yes but he had always heard to kill them swiftly.
These four became Drogos hunting pack, with whom he traveled the lengths of the isle exploring , fighting, practicing, growing in skills and becoming a well disciplined battle group.
Grem was the first to leave , for his magic came first, they always thought, and Ari went with him to guard their small friend. In that, a new face was brought into their midst, a knight in learning Sir Thomas, and with his joining Drogo learned his first human word that he could say without stammering,Pallydum
Another aquaintence taught him a few more terms though he learned they didnt mix well with any humans around
Rrrrruuunnnnn Lehmun Berk

But then what do you expect from learning a language from a hissing Tiefer named Leather tail
Sir Thomas excelled in being the head on fighting wall the elves needed to utilize their talents, Cym with his healing, Nepp with his twin blades spinning about and Drogo having learned his strengths were assuming the form of a giant cat with fangs and claws ripping their foes
Thomas also gave them the name the wolf pack, which they kept to themselves. Now gold was pouring into the hands of these young elves and human friend, and though not having real use for it Drogo buried his in an old stump sealed with leaves and beeswax.
A Couple of years pass and slowly the human tongue is coming about, but still stammers through his elven lips, he meets the six who would join the small band and give it its final members before splitting on death and personal matters.
Daniel Poetr, Ferrit and Kyle Pandorn, Exodus Stonecutter, Rain Darsus, and even in the smallest amount of time when wandering Rhynn the pacer, would wander with the pack.

The wolf pack traveled across the isles, finding treasures, gathering resources, honing skills, until each was a fine young hero of the land in his/her own right. Their skills complemented each other, and they were in perfect sync when caught in combat.

The High Druidess Brisbane would be prevalent in Drogos life as well, knowing his wild side had to be brought in control to help the Oak in the best way. Tempering his Feral nature of the clans, and showing him steps to see beyond  the scene right before your eyes Drogo saw past the small ways of the present and some of the entirety that would make the lands future.
Four years after coming to Hlint Drogo could speak common passably though some words still gave him troubles, and some of his friends in their paths began to grow away from the group.

Cym was called to his temple on the eastern coast of Dregar, and was seen only for brief times, when duty allowed him to wander with the pack.
Nepp found something he didnt think he would ever find, love in another, and he and Ash settled down to raise a family in the Forest of Fog.
Exodus was called to his homeland to return to his clan duties, and as such was only seen when he was able to crawl from behind the forge.
Rain met a young sorceress and they settled down somewhat
So Drogo kept to his path as a druid serving the Oak across the lands and traveled with his friends Daniel, Ferrit, Kyle, Rhynn, Honora, all over Mistone and the isles.
One such travel brought the friends to the bottom of the ocean, in service to the mother ocean herself, Shindelaria, to find lost items, relics and restore the balance, to that which had fallen askew.
When completed, Drogo found himself honored by the Goddesses keeper, presented with a set of bracers, and deemed worthy to tend as druid the great kelp forest of the seas. His friends also received tokens for their accomplishments, each fitting their specialties and skills.
Back on land Drogo made new friends with a bard name Katrien, who made the most magnificent jewelry and items that would aid in his tending of the Oak and the balance as a whole.
Soon though, the friends were caught up in another bizarre turn of events, aiding a small child, whose family had been killed.

A chapter soon to be told
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