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Author Topic: Sy'Ravenne Firith  (Read 340 times)

Evil Dad

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Sy'Ravenne Firith
« on: December 11, 2005, 04:15:00 am »
They are crouched, hiding within the forest.  They spot a clearing.  A small pack of animals roams freely.  The hunter notches an arrow and says “these will provide good meat and hides for the tribe”.  He slowly takes aim, when he suddenly sees a figure run in front of him.  A young child, charges at the pack with sword blazoned.  It is over quickly.  The hunter rushes to the clearing, a look of anger on his face.  He turns the child round to face him.  She stands there, a grin spread across her face and she says innocently “What?”.  This was Sy’Ravenne, the way she always was…

There are those that simply live and those that know how to live.  Sy’Ravenne certainly knew how to live.  Without much care for the future, she lived each and every day to the fullest.  She was a fierce warrior, who could be found in the midst of any battle.  Never one to run away from trouble, she was actually far more likely to run headlong into it, laughing all the time.  She would often be the last person standing, or falling, on the battlefield and when others would run she would laugh and shout “Never Run!”

She would greet you with a grin and a “heya”.  Sy’Ravenne had many friends, but only a few she classed as close.  These were was of course Shelu U’Alarune her very best and dearest friend, the first person she met in Hlint and her best friend to he end.  There were a few that had a special place in Sy’Ravenne’s heart, these were cray, sahala and thais.  Ultimately, she reveled in battle and many of her friends were made fighting side-by-side on the battle field, these included fifur, aries, barion, glokk, faile, pendar, rylok, spugley, trysk and ael.

Sy’Ravenne had many loves, during her short life, but only one true love.  Annun Firith came into her life, quite by chance.  Neither was looking for love.  But, they met, hunted and traveled together.  From that day forward they were rarely separated, and spent nearly every moment of every day together.

Her last days are largely unknown.  Annun, had gone to pray and meditate, like she did sometimes.  Having visited the soulmother too many times already, Sy’Ravenne had decided to write to her mother as she wanted to see her family again.  To her surprise, her mother arrived days later in Hlint.  But, it was not a happy meeting.  Her mother had told her that her father had died a year earlier, killed by giants.  She was distraught and ran off seeking revenge.  

She had disappeared for days; apparently she had gone to dregar and was taking out her revenge on any giant she came across.  She cut her way through giant after giant.  She was in the silver mines with Aries, busy chopping down giants, when a witchdoctor starting blasting her with fireballs.  “Run!” she heard Aries shouting.  But, she was Sy’Ravenne and all she would say was “Never Run!” and the next thing was the void and she was returned to the bindstone in Hlint.  

Feeling, low, she went to visit Shelu her “bestest friend” as she used to say.  Sy’Ravenne promised to stay out of trouble and decided to return to dregar and wait for Annun to return.  The irony of her life, is that she never made it.  She was in a weakened state, walking through rilara, when she was attacked.  She was unprepared for battle and fell.  She knew her time was up, and her life faded slowly.  As her final breath left her body, she uttered her last words “I love you Annun! Forgive me!”  

This was too much for her soul and the soulmother came the final time and ripped out her soul.

