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Author Topic: The End of an Era.  (Read 844 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

The End of an Era.
« on: February 24, 2008, 09:11:15 am »
* Kobal arrives at Leringard by boat. From there he travels south, ever south, until he reaches Brenuth and lastly visits King Ulgrid in his great halls. He travels slowly, visiting each hamlet, village and town along the way - taking his time.

To onlookers it seems much like a pilgrimmage in honour of somebody or something, for the dwarf is often seen with slumped shoulders, making a sad face.


As he visits, Kobal relates a tale - a tale of epic proportions. At it's centre is another dwarf, the Warlord of Bloody Gate, Varka Cleaveson. The tale starts out when Varka set out to remove the upstart tyrant Gunderforn and reinstated the true King Rory Rockfist. Hereby he, alongside trusted friends, ensured peace and prosperity for the Bloody Gate for any years to come.
Never truly satisfied with his work and ever striving to live up to the legends of his ancestors, Varka strived to strengthen the Gate, so that it would ever be a safe haven to the people he loved. Therefore he worked hard to organize the defences and train new warriors to replace those who had perished in battle against Gunderforn and the troops of Milara sent to bolster his ranks within the city.

As this was accomplished, King Rockfist offered a last task to Varka - to seek and secure the 'Triqueta of Gates'. A relic of myths, the Triqueta was the symbol of the strength of the three gates into the city. Said to be made from the fusing together of the three keys originally made for deh three first gates into the Bloody Gate, the myth says that it was suspended over the King's throne as a warning that one of the King's sacred responsibilities was to tend to the gates of the city. This was because the three gates were the prime defence against any enemy that would seek to enter the Bloody Gate. A common saying in the Boody Gate goes: "The only way into the Gate is through the King".

An aspiring priest blessed with a vision from Vorax had recognized the truth of the myth and knew it's worth to the Bloody Gate. So he spoke to King Rockfist of his vision, who then sent for his most trusted and loyal warrior, Varka Cleaveson. Together with friends he set out to the depths below the mountains, seeking passages not used by dwarfkin for generations.

Following words of an ancient scroll that described how the King's nephew foolishly had stolen the Triqueta in a fit of rage and jealousy and fled into the lower dungeons, the party set out to reclaim what had been lost so many years ago.

Far below ground, within a hive of ghastly enemies the treacherous young dwarf was discovered along with the Triqueta. Cursed by Vorax for his deed, the dwarf had been turned to stone and the Triqueta wrapped in a magical field that protected it from the hands of the unworthy.
The cursed soul, however, had left something behind for those seeking to reclaim his prize. A scroll case held information that showed that he had regretted his deed and defended it until his end. It had been his final act to invoke a prayer to Vorax and ask him to protect what he had foolishly risked. So he was cursed and his soul tied to the Triqueta. It was discovered that to reclaim the Triqueta for the King and the Bloody Gate, another would have to take his burden. The price of past pride would need to be paid anew.

It was then that the warlord stepped forward and made his intentions known. He made his goodbyes to his friends that had fought at his side for so many years and had aided him in his quests for the Bloody Gate. Then, without blinking, Varka Cleaveson stepped forward and clasped the crystal that encased the Triqueta. He uttered a prayer to Vorax:

"The boundaries of time are come undone, I stand in the gateway between two worlds, Hear me through the veil that hides you from my sight, Help me through this day, Watch me. Shelter me. I am your child!"

These words were his last, for as they were uttered, the curse was released and Varka turned to stone. The Triqueta was freed and returned to hower in suspension above the King's throne, while the statue of Varka Cleaveson was carried back up to the Bloody Gate where it now adorns the throne room as a constant reminder of Varka's sacrifice to the people he loved.

This is his tale. *


Re: The End of an Era.
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 10:30:59 am »
Oh, but there is so much more than can not (and is not) be told. *winks with a GM smile*