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Author Topic: The First and the Redeemer  (Read 824 times)


The First and the Redeemer
« on: April 28, 2007, 10:34:58 pm »
Words are written within a large book found in all places of Toran.  Where the book is placed is dependent upon the location.  The book is accessible to all who would dwell within these places or dare enter.  The words are written in a rather cryptic manner.  Broken text, but not so old in years.  Those of good lore would guess it was written just after the War with Bloodstone.  The writing is of deeds recorded and certain parts seem to be missing.  There is no author, except the words "scribed as it was recorded and told to one," written upon the bottom of the text.

A harsh reputation toward the Toranite church was often the prevalent attitude among many who hated the protectors of this world.  Too many misunderstood.  But every so often, one would come to reinforce that reputation, be it through desire of power, greed, prestige, or other.  These dark men and women wittingly partake in activities for the purpose of smearing those that serve only the benefit of humanoid kind.  Others are misguided and think they do the will of good.  But deception is an ever vigilant force that continues to seek and seduce the young, the reckless, the new. And sometimes even the old.

I was a child often misjudged for a cold warrior.  I am he.  I am the shield for these people.  I am the one who is hated because I protect this world.  They are me.  Most will never love me.  Only those.  Only those I choose.  Only those that see.  Why should they love me? I am a thorn to them.  I know I am a rose, but to them I am a thorn.  The place is corrupt.  The world should be clensed.  Come back to me.  Protect that child.  Protect that girl.  Protect the old.  Why do you not? Why do these children suffer? Why this pain? I took an interest in this world.  They are mine because they protect.  They are mine because they serve the truth. And I am theirs for it.

Long ago, a man they called the First came during an age long since forgotten except by those who serve the Great Leader.  Tall and fair he was.  His tale became one of heroism, tragedy, betrayal, and in the end, redemption by another.  A man of similar virtue and stature.

Few know the early history of this first man, but the effect he would have on the faithful was extraordinary.

What is strength? Why do they know me? Why do they follow me? Who am I? What should I be? What is the truth? What is the truth of this world? Why do they do this? He shall be strong.  I shall make him strong.  Not for me.  Never for me.  Never.

A valiant man he became.  A knight, chivalrous and true.  Strong in arms, soft in heart.

The laws were written.  The oath was made.  Those that succeeded the First held to that oath.  The faith prospered.  The world became better than when the beasts had ruled.

Then the era ended.  Time went by.  Wars were fought.  Land destroyed. Land reformed.  The Dragon Slayer came and went.  The bane of man he was.  Time went by.

The First and the Redeemer served the same ideals until the Lord of Spiders succeeded in breaching the sleep of the former.  One fell, the other took his place.  Two men from different eras would soon collide.  Not in friendship.  But in war.  A war of two alone.  The greater and the lesser with the lesser becoming the greater.

The church was corrupt.  The church was being run by matters of law and law alone.  A chasm formed between two sides.  One of law.  One of compassion.  And he.  He is gone, betrayed or so he thought.  The dark he serves now.  Once the greatest knight this world had ever seen.

Why? Why did you leave me? Why? I will never serve you! You send him? Who is he? Who? Your paladins are fools.  They are blind and useless.  They are weak.  This man is the same.  I will crush him.  The time of that church is over.  I will crush you.  I will crush all that you protect.  You betrayed me.  You let him take me.  Why? The light I see is forever weak.  Never will I serve it again.  They looked for me. But they were too weak to stop it and you shall suffer for it.  They shall all suffer.  They shall all die.

Who is he? I will destroy this place.  But of them.  Who is he? They do not know me.  They think they do, but they don't.  Will they ever? Only one knows me.  Only one.  And he I hate.

The city was taken.  The church, our beloved building was crumbling.  It was in decay after the great wars.  And now he comes.  The one who once was our greatest.  Who showed us the way.  Who gave us the laws of the Great Leader.  But he comes not as our friend.  Once the light of our church and now our greatest enemy.

The city was in chaos.  The Redeemer was sent.  One who had fought the Slayer.  One who had fallen before.  One who had risen again.  One revered.

Rescue the Ankh and free the people he was told.  From what? From him, the First, now dark and corrupt.  He did that.  He suffered for it.  He was defiant.  He would not let them suffer.  They fought.  The two.  In rage the First destroyed the temple to ash. Nothing was left. He walked away.  The First had left.

The Redeemer was put on trial by one of the dark men.  The high Justicer he was.  The Snake.  He hated the Redeemer and wished punishment.  But he was not the judge of this proceeding.  He who judged asked the Redeemer to choose his own punishment.  His own fate.  He chose to seek out the First.

To the Mountain of Giants on Belinara he traveled with a large group.  Those of his choosing, those loyal to him.  He did not ask nor expect them to follow.  But they came and he led them.

Turned away these others were as the party reached the dark labyrinth where the First resided.  The Redeemer walked alone.  Alone into the dark.

The throne was high upon which the First sat.  It was a mighty throne and around him spiders and other creatures more vile surrounded him in obedience.  He mocked the knight clad in gold.  He mocked the Ankh he wore.  He mocked the face, just like his once was.

Why do you believe Michaelis? Why do you believe? Worship him again? Never.

He was sent.  By them? No.  By he, the Greatest.  The protector.  A messenger of a god.

It's time Navarre.  It's time to come home.

Fetch me him.  Fetch me him who is supposed to be our lord.  Show me him! Can you? Let me curse his face.

You are a fool.  He is the strong.  He is the protector.  I am his messenger.  The darkness is folly.  This darkness! This path! This way! He never abandoned you.  He is here.  Even down here he can hear you.  Even down here he comes.  He comes for you.  Call to him!

The power of anger.  The power I have.  I could kill you now.  Is this what you want? Is this what you wish?

Here no one knows what happened except the two.  Days felt like hours.

The black sky was pierced for a moment.  The mountains shook.  The giants ran.  The loyal party outside of the dwelling was forced to flee despite their wishes.  Despite their loyalty to the man in gold.

No one knows what happened except the two.

The First, once black now gold again, walked out with the Redeemer.

What have I done? What have I done! How could I have?

Solemn was the walk.  Both were quiet.  What words were exchanged between the two are unknown for he would not tell me.  He would not tell me what they spoke about. The accounts here are by other witnesses. He would tell me little.

His body was judged by those who serve only law.  For the crimes he committed many praised his end, as his judgment was death by hanging.  The Redeemer wept.  The rift between two gods, who were once allied, began.  The Snake and all others that served only law were cast out of the Toranite church.

I want nothing to do with this.  This isn't the way.  Where are you? I feel you, but you show yourself not.  Is he home? Where is he? I shall rebuild.  We shall rebuild.

New will come.  New will always come.  Eager.  Such bravado.  Such courage.  Such talk.  Do they know the way? The war is over.  The new one begins. The long death comes.  Nothing but the long death.  The sky is black.  The world is ash.  They come.  They come again after the war.  The new one begins.  He will be strong.  I shall make him strong.  Not for me.  Never for me.  Never.
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The First and the Redeemer
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 08:45:24 pm »
And so it was that the great towers stood, mightier than they once had ever been and in a new land from which new people came.  Children...all children.  Old children, young children...and they remembered.  They remembered the sun.  They remembered the faith.  They remembered him.  And he was strong again.

The First was buried there by him.  By the Redeemer.  Peace...for both of them.  Within the great halls together in silence.  A beautiful silence.  I saw peace in him.  He would tell me little, but in his eyes...peace.

They came...hundreds...from the dark depression...back into the sun.  Back from war...back from ridicule...they came in hundreds...and soon thousands.  Brighter than the sun they shone in the light of a clear sky.  Brighter than the sun that day. silver.  The people cheered.  They wept for the first time in so long. The stone was broken...the praise had destroyed it.  The veterans wept.  Their faces softened.  The praise they had not had in so long was again given.  Not since before the Bloodwar were they given such applause.  A praise they never expected, nor asked for.  Their silent duty, a testament to him...their unwavering faith...had finally been seen.

The long death had left and the sun rose.

And he was strong again.

