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NWN 8193.20 (64 Bit) Server Status

Name Player Level Race Class
Server Information
NWN Enhanced Edition Version 8193.20
Uptime: 6 days, 20 hours, 22 minutes, 30 seconds
Soul Mother: Inactive
September 16, 2020, 05:42:12 pm by orth
Views: 13923 | Comments: 8

Hello everyone,

As some of you may know we have been running the preview version of Neverwinter Nights to iron out some bugs in anticipation for the next major release by BeamDog. The latest stable release 8193.15 was pushed yesterday and I anticipate we'll be running that version on our secondary server by the end of the week.

In the meantime the old 8186 server has still been running as well, but its time is running out and I will be moving all efforts to the newer version until our community members can all up date. Once that takes place I'll shut down the 8186 server and focus on adding to the new version.

So if you can, please update your NWN to the newest version and join us at or you should see us in the server listing.

I have also been considering opening a second passwordless server once the old 8186 version is shut down with a complete character/housing/resources wipe. This will be open for anyone to come into without a character submission for people to get a feel for Layonara. There's a lot to work out for this though but I've a feeling it will be worth it to see the community grow a little bit. I guess I won't cross that bridge until all the community who was playing on the old server migrates to the new one.

Thanks and have fun!
May 19, 2020, 06:04:18 pm by orth
Views: 17227 | Comments: 15

Hey all,

As some of you know I was recently laid off and coupled with a sickness I've had for the past while I've not been able to do much so I was wondering if I could ask if you can spare a few dollars to pay for the servers I'd appreciate it. They only cost $14 a month but any bit helps. If you can please visit - thanks so much.

I know I have some queries asked by the community but my brain is pretty mushy so I'm trying to stay in bed, but the bills are eating away a bit and I hate to do it but was hoping for a little help.

Thanks so much,
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