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Author Topic: A Brief Missive  (Read 188 times)

A Brief Missive
« on: September 10, 2008, 10:13:43 pm »
The lull in fighting here has allowed me to hastily scrawl this missive to you, My Lords. I send greetings from distant and all too violent lands. My situation here is becoming desperate, and so I was pleased to hear from my old acquaintance, now your servant, Script Wrecked, who bid me to make a hasty retreat from my current plague ridden lands and journey forth to join him here in your peaceful and verdant kingdom.

I thought it best to send this missive in advance, lest you be inclined to deny such a bedraggled and impoverished traveler entry into your most splendid kingdom. I hasten to add, my Lords, that I personally am not plague ridden. The Clerics here have assured me that I carry no virulent strain, and I'm sure they have no reason to lie. Sadly however, the unwashed peasantry of these lands have fallen foul to pestilence, famine and violence, and it is all we can do to keep them outside the walls.

Despite my four and half decades I am still in good health, with few aches and injures that would preclude me from serving you. I have been a keen observer and scholar of Human activity for almost half of my life now, and would look forward to seeing the splendor of your kingdom. My old acquaintance has assured me that you have maintained a peaceful and happy rule over your devoted peasantry in a veritable land of milk and honey.

I'm sure my entry into your kingdom would precipitate no strife or malcontent, unlike the last ... damnation, they are coming at the east barricades again. I must away to urge the defenders on, and assure them that the certain sacrifice of their life will not be in vein. I shall pack my meager belongings and await any appropriate travel documents you may wish to send. May the Gods watch over and protect/mutilate you, as appropriate.
The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle, Stephen_Zuckerman


Re: A Brief Missive
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2008, 12:39:54 am »
**glances around at the other folks who might know how to interpret the above vernacular** I think we, uh, have an alien among us, boys and girls. Or a very educated primate.



Re: A Brief Missive
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2008, 01:54:38 am »
Though ye be an acquaintance of the somewhat dubious-natured Script Wrecked, nevertheless we heartily extend a welcoming embrace for your timely arrival. Tis true, we be sorely beset by all manner of beasts strange and foul and proffered aid from a noble son of the west (// assuming ye not be an eagles fan //) shall not be lightly turned aside. Quick! I hear their approach once more, lay on MacResearchmonkey!


Re: A Brief Missive
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2008, 02:05:02 am »
*despite assurances of the newcomer's healthiness, the above response is a little muffled as it is delivered through a 'kerchief held tightly over the speaker's mouth*

Re: A Brief Missive
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2008, 05:32:18 am »
Greetings again Great Lords. Your message arrived with unexpected haste: truly you must command great legions to bare missives across such distances with such dispatch.

Even now I am finalizing matters here. I fear there will be few survivors, but those who do remain must be in no doubt as to the cause of this city's financial woes. It is only fair to spare these survivors from the worry and anguish of dealing with unaccounted moneys, or indeed from an excess of wealth. Poverty does indeed enrich the soul, and these unlucky few will likely need all the enrichment they can get in their few remaining hours. This means I will be but briefly delayed in order to compose new and splendid financial journals for those that will oversee the remaining coinage of in the last few days of this most wretched place.

As I am slightly delayed with such matters, I have dispatched young Kamile to your realm in the hopes that she will procure a warm bed and hot food for my eventual arrival. The girl is perhaps a little naive, but I trust that you will find her most personable.

Once again wishing you Godly protection or mutilation as you deserve.

