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Author Topic: A Hello  (Read 189 times)


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    A Hello
    « on: August 04, 2008, 11:52:23 pm »
    As the title states, I'm saying hello. *waves waves.* I've been currently seeking a indepth roleplay community of the D&D or any setting that honestly offers something different than what I've roleplayed for the longest time. I've roleplayed in WoW, for about as long as it's been out. Played Neverwinter Nights  till Neverwinter Nights 2 for as long as that period too.. And I'm really trying to get back into the D&D style. Lately I've been looking for a community, and I stumbled upon Layonara while in Google search, if you could believe it.

    So, for me.. I'm not much, I live in a house in Ontario, Canada. I've been roleplaying for quite awhile, and I have a dog that is the most beloved thing to me in the world. I'm just wondering, and seeing if I can sneak a question or two in here for my search..

    Layonara is a roleplaying community? Otherwise, I'm a total bufoon. x.x

    And, is it active?


    Re: A Hello
    « Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 12:06:45 am »
    Hey... I live in a house in Ontario too...
     Small world eh?
     Yes Layonara is built around role play. There is action for those that want that but role play is encouraged at all times
     The server is fairly active. Your play time (assuming you don't do some weird shift work) would be EDT and that is one of the more active time slot.
     I would suggest have a peek around LORE especially the timeline and the the new player section
     While waiting on the downloads you can have a look see.
     If you have the complete NWN (orginal plus the two expansions) not NWN2 Installed - no dont install the new update to 1.69 as you will not be able to play. If you have there is a way to revert described here.  You can also join us on IRC for a chat and to ask questions live to other players and GMs
     That said
     Welcome !

