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Author Topic: Hi all, how's it going?  (Read 129 times)


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    Hi all, how's it going?
    « on: December 08, 2007, 05:36:03 pm »
    Long time D&D player, first time Layonara. ;) Here's my MySpace profile if you want to know abit about me.

    As a new player trying to get started here, creating a character seems to be quite a difficult task. There seems to be alot going on IG that new players aren't aware of. I've only got the Layonara handbook to work with, but I just read before in one of the previous posts that it's starting to get outdated. Tables to some important info in the Layonara Handbook would have been nice and easy. The information that is accessible are pretty vague as there might be alot of back story. I think I'll start with a simple character for now to get the feel of the world. I have the D&D corebooks to guide me through the process, Hero builder's Guidebook to help with bio, and numerous other manuals such as the Quintessential guides and D&D class guides to help flesh out my character. Here are some questions I would like to ask.

    1. Where does the character start of in the server? How do you choose a locale to come from that would fit with a starting character. There seems to be a current running history IG which is not readily accessible. The world is pretty large as well.

    2. What's the recommended background overall that works with most classes/races? It seems the more information given the more questions it raises.

    3. What are your expectations in a biography? If you don't want to write in a novelistic approach, how much information do you need for it to be brief/simplistic? (Eg. Detailed explanation for every stat, skill, feat acquired; Complete character sheet format) Is an explanation through the years of growing up required?

    4. If you decide to multi class, how is it approached IG and how should it be shown in the biography? If you can't foresee a different path when your level 1 IC, how do you apply to gain that other class?

    5. Are level 1 characters treated as initiates? If so, how much of the time line affects the age of a starting character?  (eg. Start of as a young person not affected by history, older characters must have knowledge of current IG world history)

    Thanks for reading, and I hope to join you all in-game soon. Cheers! :D

    PS. My comp is really slow so I hope it can handle the server. :(


    Re: Hi all, how's it going?
    « Reply #1 on: December 08, 2007, 06:29:46 pm »
    Sounds like the character approvers would be best to answer most of your questions.  I'll just welcome you to Layo and say hope to see you in game.


    Re: Hi all, how's it going?
    « Reply #2 on: December 08, 2007, 07:45:15 pm »

     Where does the character start of in the server? How do you choose a locale to come from that would fit with a starting character. There seems to be a current running history IG which is not readily accessible. The world is pretty large as well.
     Beginning characters start in either the more LG city of Port Hempstead or the more TN city of Fort Vehl [their choice at start]. Obviously a relatively good character of a peaceful race could start at either, but those characters with a shadier history or those of a monsterous race would chose Fort Vehl. Resources and beginner levels quests are available in both areas with a common meeting ground [ Stormcrest guides] placed inbetween.
     The world is large and varied and as much as the project team tries we have not as yet updated the handbook, but the current handbook at least gives you a starting point. If there are major faux pas in your story, the character approval team will point them out and offer you remedies on how to incorporate them into the current game situation.

     2. What's the recommended background overall that works with most classes/races? It seems the more information given the more questions it raises.
     Each character is their own story. We just ask that they abide to some basic guidelines.
     1>No noble or prestegious ancestory claims.
     2>Skill present in the bio fit with those of a level on character - ie you could be a grunt in the army, but you are unlikely to be a general. You might be a wizard's apprentice, but not an archmagi
     3>The bio reasonably explains the characters views on the world such that we can see the reasoning for the chosen alignment. Aligments that are easier to play get more leeway and ones that are more complex and difficult need more explaination. This is one reason why the Evil and CN alignments are restricted and as a new player not available to you at this time.
     4> The chosen class must be explained in the biography. If you are a sorceror you should mention when your talents became aparent and perhaps how you feel about that. Approval for a multiclass must explain each classes talents and how they relate to the character. No prestige classes are ever approved at the first submission.
     5> If you are applying for a special subrace, the bio must reflect why this character concept only works for that subrace and not the ordinary one. As such the bios for such characters tend to be longer and more detailed
     6> If you submit a devote character you must start in the bio your intent to follow the dogma of your chosen god(dess) and your character's interpretation of the dogma. Non devote characters can chose a deity, but it should be a reflection on the character. For example an elf worshipping a dwarven god takes a bit more explaining as does a lawful character devote to a diety known for chaos.
     More help can be found here :

     4. If you decide to multi class, how is it approached IG and how should it be shown in the biography? If you can't foresee a different path when your level 1 IC, how do you apply to gain that other class?
     Multiclassing after the initial submission is not difficult. Characters develop and sometimes in ways we never imagine at creation. To multiclass your character after creation you should have an up to date character development journal that chronicles your character's thoughts and such - this helps the GM team understand the motivations of your character since we can't watch everyone all the time. Also utilizing the role play of other players in the developement of your multiclass skills in the form of an "apprentice" or the like works too. When you decide to multiclass you submit and updated bio, link to your CDJ and ask that your mentors vouch for you and gain approval -BEFORE- you take the new class. Multiclassing can also be done as the result of a character development quest. When you multiclass you must keep in mind the rule of 5 levels in each class before level 20.
     Also see here

     5. Are level 1 characters treated as initiates? If so, how much of the time line affects the age of a starting character? (eg. Start of as a young person not affected by history, older characters must have knowledge of current IG world history)
     Most starting characters are younger, but they don't have to be. Just like people in their 40's decide to enter university, a middle-aged woman might have a life changing experience that causes her to take the adventurers path and develop the skills required to become one. Age does not give you any starting advantages, neither does youth. No child characters are approved and you must start as at least the mimimum starting age for your race as noted here:Races of Layonara in this post:
     An older character would not necessarily have more knowledge of the world. Layonara is based on a fantasy medieval world where most commoners never venture more than 40 miles from the place they were born.
     I hope this information helps and welcome to Layonara.
     // plz excuse the typos - working sans spellcheck tonight. ;)


    Re: Hi all, how's it going?
    « Reply #3 on: December 08, 2007, 09:21:30 pm »
    Just as a note, the starting cities are perhaps not all that different in alignment, just in atmosphere and surface activities and the...leanings of the majority and those in power. I would be hard-pressed to label Hempstead LG as much as I would Vehl as purely NE/CN, hehe. More likely TN for both, or perhaps NG for Hempstead. Civilized society or not, there is a boisterous, rowdy, furniture breaking CN Shadonite tavern that is the most frequented tavern near the docks, for example :) As well, Deliarites make up a large part of the city's economy, and many of them have more free-spirited CG ideals than say, a monarchy would. So it balances out somewhere with with the inherent lawfulness of enforcing authority, just like despite the CN-NE feel of Vehl, there is a temple to a LN god that is the ...'authority' in the area.

    It is possible to start off in Hempstead even if one is evil, as long as one were not blatantly so (dressing in eeeevil black spiky robes with eeeevil creatures as familiars and preaching about the destruction of the world, praising eeevil gods and the usual stereotypical eeevil behavior *waves hands dramatically*). It would just need to be a more gentlemanly evil so as to slip under the radar. Likewise, darker good people that are estranged from society (social outcasts, solitary brooding yet CG rangers etc) may well find themselves in Fort Vehl as well, because of the place's "mind your own business" attitude about most things...

    There are a few things that everyone should have some basic knowledge of IC, but not all that many because as minerva stated, many commoners do not venture out and get education about other places and events in the world. Some examples of universal knowledge would be the war with Bloodstone, the sudden darkness of the skies that lasted almost 20 years, and the later cleansing of the skies a few years ago... but as she also stated, if you toss together something to submit or have a general idea on starting points, we can help you hash it out in your submission. Welcome to Layo!