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Author Topic: Travelling Minstrel sets up his tent!  (Read 285 times)


Travelling Minstrel sets up his tent!
« on: June 07, 2009, 07:41:16 pm »
Morning, evening, 'noon and 'night, ladies, gentlemen, halflings, dragons, orcs, ogres, fish, elves, and any combination of the above!

I'm Minstrel, travelling storyteller, serial RPer and eccentric.

Having drifted about looking for worlds in the huge void of the NWN cloud, I find myself drifting into here. I normally shy away from Epic levels, since after all, power corrupts, so the power to kill a dragon with a sneeze must be very unhealthy, but I threw caution to the winds and rolled in.

So! Good day! I'm a pretty focused RPer, only slack 'n' hashing when it's really the only option. I generally have characters with less in the way of backstory and more in the way of potential to gain backstory. Yet to get in game, due to the DM reviewers not actually having the efficiency of a coffee-fuelled gnome, but you know, at least it gives me time to ramble about on the forums for a bit and scare people.

Yes indeed! I'm terribly English to the point of it being life-threatening, and actually ate some scones a few hours ago just for the joy of enforcing a stereotype. Whilst I lack the top hat, monacle, and Handlebar Moustache +3, I make up for it in oddness.

I've been playing DnD since before we threw THAC0 out the window, and NWN since I threw my DM out of the window (Or at least migrated to a less nerdy part of England).

I enjoy short walks in the forest, writing, and gelatinous cubes. My pet peeves are badly-played Clerics and Greatswords!

Look forward to seeing what this world has in store for old Venny and his rampant shenanigans.
The following users thanked this post: cbnicholson, Hellblazer, pinkpowerbait, Lance Stargazer, Zoogmunch


Re: Travelling Minstrel sets up his tent!
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2009, 08:09:11 pm »
You don't like great swords?!  PFfft!

Translation:  Welcome to Layo!  Best Persistant World Ever!

Well, at least the best digital one...  The real world is pretty Persistant and pretty awesome too, yah know...

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Travelling Minstrel sets up his tent!
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2009, 08:22:58 pm »
Welcome, welcome, come and join the many storylines within the game.


Re: Travelling Minstrel sets up his tent!
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2009, 08:38:42 pm »
Quote from: Minstrel
, I find myself drifting into here. I normally shy away from Epic levels, since after all, power corrupts, so the power to kill a dragon with a sneeze must be very unhealthy, but I threw caution to the winds and rolled in.

You let me know if you find someone here that can kill a Dragon with a sneeze, because the day that happens is the day the world explodes.  ;)

While we have Epic levels here, trust me, there is ALWAYS something bigger, badder, meaner, and down right hungrier for tasty player character flesh then the last thing you fought.  So while Epic levels do sort of stagnate for some people, even the toughest have to watch their back around here.


Re: Travelling Minstrel sets up his tent!
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2009, 05:03:31 am »
Ah, but the most dangerous enemy is always the DM. No matter how high level you are, you can never compete with their mastery of the toolset!


Re: Travelling Minstrel sets up his tent!
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2009, 07:16:47 pm »
You'll love it here, so welcome, and don't worry about your eccentricities: you'll find many of them in-game.

Let me know when you are in-game and I'll bake you a Scottish scone. Much nicer and the way they were meant to be made. :D