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Author Topic: The mysterious and yet somehow comfartable Niles!  (Read 250 times)


The mysterious and yet somehow comfartable Niles!
« on: March 13, 2007, 03:37:36 pm »
well about me.. I'm an 18 year old Danish "senior high school" student at the mathematical line with the most important classes being mathematics, chemical stuff and last but greatest: philosophy! - fascinating, eh?
   I don't have my own fans like Hawklen, but... I am the creator of such famous comic characters such as: The Stick Vampire Prince, The Stick T-Rex, Teddy(bear?)brown and less known, but still loved: The Killer Cube Kurt, The Climbing Thief etc... what?! You haven't heard of any of them?!

Well about fantasy.. I always liked knights, Robin Hood and such stuff when I was small. When I was around 11-12 years old I got introduced to fantasy through the dragonlance series and Baldurs Gate. Since then, fantasy has most of the time fascinated me. When I was about 14 me and some friends started playing dnd pnp, sadly we couldn't find much time for it when we continued on to high school, but then in June 2005 a friend of mine showed me Layonara. He left after a few days :( but I've stayed pretty much until now.
I also like to draw and make a story now and then, and it has often centred around fantasy, maybe except for when I was 10-13, at that time I made comcis with the former mentioned Teddy(bear?!)brown. Lately I've also developed an interest in the making of more philosophical stories and drawings. I also hear alot of music, mostly rock and alternative.

Well, to be serious, I like this place. Many of you probaly don't know of me or my characters Zanirth and Sean since I don't play so much IG as I used to, and never have played serious hours a week here except for holidays, but.. I think it's a great community and Layonara is not just an IG player world, but also a place for people with interests in DM'ing, writing, programming or creating computergames to come together and make a world with many sides and qualities. Myself, I'm just happy that I got the privilege to work on the Layonara comic :)

Most sincerely the.. no... just Niels!
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Re: The mysterious and yet somehow comfartable Niles!
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2007, 03:41:16 pm »
seems Im unable to get my post through..?

