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Author Topic: Hello and question.  (Read 155 times)


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    Hello and question.
    « on: September 05, 2009, 04:36:27 pm »
    Hi all.  I'm new to Layonara, but have enjoyed tabletop, computer, and console rpgs for a long time.  I will be submitting a character for approval shortly, but in order to make my character biography better, I had a question about something I haven't been able to find in the forums or on the 'getting started' section of the LORE:  

    Which town do new characters start in?  I have seen things that imply both Port Hempstead and Hlint around the site.  Are both of these new player spawning areas?  If so, do I get to choose which one I start in?  I am planning on playing a Wild Elf and want to include in my biography how I got to whichever civilized human town I will begin in, but I can't figure out which one it will be.

    This world and community look great, and I'm looking forward to getting involved!


    Lance Stargazer

    Re: Hello and question.
    « Reply #1 on: September 05, 2009, 04:48:45 pm »
    First and foremost .. Welcome To Layonara

    A wonderful place to be!!

    Well .. there are two starting locations for new characters , One is Port Hempstead, a nice and civiled city, with some shine on its own, Lawful and ordered city, With discipline and a comercial center in Mistone ( the initial continent )

    The other starting point you can get, is Fort Vehl, a place a bit more shady and dangerous, dark alleys and mysterious things ocur here. The presence of the Rofirein temple ( the god of law ) gives a beacon for those Law abiding people in the town, but Still, the city is composed of dark alleys and dangerous parts. Where a lot of people disappear , but very few are missed.

    About Hlint, it was an important town in the past, but the town has come down since the dark ages, now it holds its importance because of its strategic location near the center of Mistone, but its no longer a starting point for  Characters..

    Both cities are in the continent of Mistone, and they belong to diferent kingdoms, But are pretty near ( again relatively ) one from the other.

    Hope this serves to you..

    Cheers and welcome again


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      Re: Hello and question.
      « Reply #2 on: September 05, 2009, 05:15:15 pm »
      Thanks!  That helps a lot - especially the background on the cities.  Just to clarify, do I get to choose which city I start in, or will the game randomly assign me to one?


      Re: Hello and question.
      « Reply #3 on: September 05, 2009, 05:17:31 pm »
      Yes you get to choose.
      And welcome to Layo :-)