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Author Topic: Kell's Puppeteer  (Read 477 times)


Kell's Puppeteer
« on: March 12, 2007, 11:53:16 am »
The man behind the man behind the mask is rather tired at the moment, and therefore uncreative.  Nevertheless, hello, all, and here's my intro.  (My lovely and talented girlfriend is insisting that I write this before she has to go to her workout so she can see what I'm going to say about her.)

My nom de plume is variously darkstorme or acroamatis, but in RL I go by Jamie.  'tis a proud Scottish name, and therefore I avoid playing dwarves like the plague.  Once one goes brogue, one never goes back.

I was exposed to D&D in Grade 5, though my first FR book was waaay back in Grade 2, Spellfire by Ed Greenwood.  The man cannot write romantic dialogue worth a darn, but it's still a good read and got me into the popcorn fantasy that is FR and Dragonlance.  Tolkein was Grade 3 (LoTR, after I finished Hobbit), so by the time D&D rolled 'round, I was pretty much indoctrinated already.  After brief flirtations with Rifts, Star Wars RPG, and the various Lovecraft-spawned gaming systems, I settled on D&D with its flexibility, fun, and... well, fun spells that made things go boom.  Or dissolve.  Or vanish from existence altogether.  (I used to play mages.  I've matured since then, but fireballs are still fun... hence Kell's considerable delight that he can now use Fire Bombs.)

I am a truly hardcore geek, being a computer science student at the lovely Universty of British Columbia.  When it's sunny up here, it's truly gorgeous.  Sadly, most of the time, it's like Layo.  Palden Lake, to be specific.  I can debate Trek, Star Wars, Sagan, OSes, languages, PnP and fantasy novels with the best of 'em.  Nevertheless, I must have some redeeming values, or the previously mentioned lovely girlfriend wouldn't have agreed to live with me. :)

If anyone got this far... well, I'm glad you're so interested in me.  I'm gainfully unemployed at the moment, though I hope that's soon to change, and if anyone is a Vancouver software employer, I have resumés....  If you're after further stalkerish information, I'm the Social Coordinator of the Computer Science Student Society (or CS-cubed).

Favourite book is likely Cryptonomicon, though anything by Pratchett is good.  Favourite food is probably spaghetti, but I make an assortment of dishes that I quite enjoy.  Favourite hobby is a tossup between my various computer activities (notably, Layo), reading, and swimming.  Et c'est assez pour l'au'jour-d'hui.

(Oh, and a picture, to better enhance the geeky image.  *grins*)

Edit:  Does anyone know how to get superscript on this thing?
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Witch Hunter

Re: Kell's Puppeteer
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2007, 12:40:57 pm »
Aye! a scottish lad!
Haha good read, nice to see the face behind one of the better players out there :P

