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Author Topic: And the crazy one steps up  (Read 258 times)


And the crazy one steps up
« on: March 16, 2007, 11:53:38 am »
I tend to be kept hidden about my life but I'll talk about it..
like most gamers i started out on an old "top of the line" back than 486/33mhz PC playing wolfenstine 3d. Then graduated to other first person games of legends. I didn't keep my self there, i played dark sun and other games and sealed my fate as a gamer. :D
As I grew up I learned how to build PCs on my own  and started collecting PCs that were thrown away and tossed out.
The turn point of my gaming life was about was about...1998 when half-life hit the stores I got it, beat the game got bored and got sucked into the Team fortress classic cult. for 3 years i was playing on a server called East coast with the clan NME2U (say it slowly) playing tournament matches were i accumulated money for playing games, heh.I been running that server all the way up in till the loss of WON and the change over to steam was started.
2003: Having been bored of most first person shooters I took up retirement from the clan matches only to fall back into it playing the leagues, hosting my own server, and "pwning" the nubs that dare to log on.

Long ago, and I don't remember how long ago, a friend of mine was throwing his stuff away and I found his copy of NWN gold hidden under his bed and unopened. After a long discussion on how he owed me money he gave me the game and once more I was addicted to D&D like I was back in my youth playing dark sun.

2004: I got into a car crash breaking my left leg and losing my job. I found an add in stating layo needed people. and the rest is history.
I still play first person games, I still run server but i no longer run in the leagues with the big boys, If i did, I would never have time to play layo as last year's winter (2006) has proven, my clan fell apart, I ignored layo and friends here for months on end.

After a recent rebuild (and prior shut down due to a few admins and the banning of me from my own server..)I reformed a small group that just plays for the love of the game.
I still play Layonara, its my second home, I went from fragging to just being a cleric how has a love for golems (because I have an obsession for mechs, I got a HUGE collection)

And well thats aboot it.
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Re: And the crazy one steps up
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2007, 09:25:18 pm »
You're nuts, dude.


Re: And the crazy one steps up
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 11:19:59 pm »
Oh, for the love of golems...

