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Author Topic: The player behind The Veil.  (Read 382 times)

Lalaith Va'lash

The player behind The Veil.
« on: March 15, 2007, 07:44:31 am »

My name is Katrina, yes, like the hurricane... but I promise I am not nearly so destructive. I joined Layonara not quite 2.5 years ago in Dec. 2004. My gaming experience at that point, if you can call it that began with afternoons playing multiplayer simultaneous Baulders Gate: Dark Alliance ... on gamecube...  with Talan. Eventually some eight months later Talan convinced me to play BGII on the PC.  After much complaint on my part about how the keyboard was nothing like the gamecube controller I played, and was hooked. After a while he graduated to NWN while I was still doing side quests on BGII, running around telling him to *Feel the burning stare of my hamster... and change your ways* -hehe, and refusing to give the money to Galen Boyle.

After watching him play NWN enough times, on my PC! -might I add, Lalaith was born on NWN and I forgot all about BGII.  We played Talan and Lalaith at first on another server developing their story and history, but never together as we only had a pc copy of nwn and as you all know, Talan has a mac. -One fateful day however we took a trip to a suburb of Boston to find a mac store.  It was quite an adventure in itself.

Eventually one thing lead to another and we found ourselves submitting Talan and Lalaith to Layonara.  Our characters were approved and the Layonara adventure began.  

In the summer of 2005 I joined the project and writing teams for Layo, helping with icon art, history influenced items, and whatever else I could.  Most recently over the last year I worked as the Writing Lead for Layonaras single player module, Towers of Dregar: Xoras Vial. The project was a labour of love and there were times when I didn't think we would get through it.  But in the end seeing it downloaded nearly 1000 times already on nwvault, it makes it all worth it.

So, I play Lalaith Va'Lash- The Veil (hence the thread title ; )) and The Gypsy of Leilon (Leringard now) Kali.

When I am not playing my elves Im usually at school.  I am in my first year of graduate school in a Masters/certificate program.

I currently have my Bachelors of Science in Chemistry with a dual degree of a Bachelors of Art in studio art.  What can I say? I am the perfect combination of left brain  - right brain.  I like art, science, music, sports, and of course rubber ducks (Who doesn t, right?)

I was an active athlete for many years including swimming for a D2 college my freshman year, but that was given up after nearly wrecking my shoulders and deciding to focus on school.

The Red Sox are my favorite baseball team, and I will never forget how they won the world series ON my 21st  birthday (Do the math : P)  Did I mention how our old Boston apartment overlooked Fenway Park? Amazing.  What a weekend that was...

My favorite food is icecream and my worst habit is eating the whole pint and then suffering from the bellyache it causes.  I am currently listening to a lot of Aimee Mann and Elliot Smith.  Both great while working.

Well, that is really about it.. hehe, anything else would just be TMI.  Oh! Though, I should mention.  I AM an elf.  *nods* and if Talan tells you differently, just remember, he lies.


EDIT: As much as I love this community I feel this was a little TMI and made some edits! ~~
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Re: The player behind The Veil.
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2007, 06:40:34 am »
Everyone loves rubber duckies. Everyone.

Though you really should get on Talan about his Macintosh problem. *Nods sagely.*

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: The player behind The Veil.
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 11:37:36 am »
This picture is for you then Stephen:

Witch Hunter

Re: The player behind The Veil.
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2007, 11:41:37 am »
Don't teach my hamster to suck eggs!

Ahh another Baldurs Gate fan :) one of the best games out there... every few months I pick it up again and replay! if only I could erase my own memory I'd enjoy it to its fullest over and over again!


Re: The player behind The Veil.
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2007, 11:16:14 pm »
Quote from: Lalaith Va'lash

The Red Sox are my favorite baseball team, and I will never forget how they won the world series ON my 21st  birthday (Do the math : P)  Did I mention how our old Boston apartment overlooked Fenway Park? Amazing.  What a weekend that was...

So ... you're either 24 ... or 110, or 112, or 113, or 115??

You either look AMAZING for your age ... or just about right. :)


Witch Hunter

Re: The player behind The Veil.
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2007, 11:56:56 pm »
Sephen is really thankful these days... :D