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Author Topic: New player and user  (Read 153 times)


  • Newbie
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    New player and user
    « on: June 20, 2007, 11:07:20 pm »
    I was reading about NWN, and it looks like a fun game, and then I run into this server. it seems pretty cool! Im getting NWN next friday, so I can't wait to log in. I looked at the world map, and it seems like the game can keep me busy. my questions are

    why is the max lvl is 40?
    how many people log in the server?


    Re: New player and user
    « Reply #1 on: June 21, 2007, 02:21:55 am »
    Hi there, and welcome!

    Well, Neverwinter Nights is based on the Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Ed. rules.  In those rules, a character who reaches level twenty is likely among the most powerful of his race ever to walk the face of his planet.  By the time he's halfway through the way to forty, he can be expected to face off against avatars of minor gods and come out of it alive.  Levels 21-40 were added as a nod to those people who wanted a situation where a universe or plane of existence was at risk, rather than just, say, the world, or a kingdom.

    While there IS a "legendary levels" system coded, anything beyond level 40 may as well be a deity themselves.  Their skill would be unparalleled, they would be able to defeat adversaries that would cripple great heroes of legend, they could likely face up to the gods Themselves and give them a decent fight.

    That's the answer to the max level.  And don't worry... even in the singleplayer campaign, where XP is poured out like water, it takes a LONG time to reach level 40, if you ever do.  In most multiplayer worlds (Layonara included) it can take a year or more.

    As for how many people log on... it depends on your timezone, really.  However, I can tell you that there have been one hundred and fifty seven distinct players online in the  past week, and two hundred and thirty characters.  That's a fair server population, any way you slice it.. and that's not even the normal complement.

    Layo's a great place - start thinking of your character now, 'cause you won't want to wait! ;)

    Welcome, again!


    Re: New player and user
    « Reply #2 on: June 21, 2007, 02:52:39 am »
    Nods, Nods, and Nods some more. What he said. And welcome to Layo!!


    • Jr. Member
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      Re: New player and user
      « Reply #3 on: June 21, 2007, 08:28:58 am »
      Welcome.  Just got started here myself recently too.  We can be lost and confused together.  *Chuckles*

      Cenden Hoqoun

      Re: New player and user
      « Reply #4 on: July 17, 2007, 01:29:28 am »
      umm how do i submit a  charecter submission? cause i cant get the submission wizard to submit.


      Re: New player and user
      « Reply #5 on: July 17, 2007, 01:16:57 pm »
      If you can't get a character to go through the wizard (for whatever reason), you can always submit one manually, posting to the Character Submissions thread and using a post from Recent Approvals as a template. :)

      And do start your own thread - salutations and welcome!

