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Author Topic: 10k Fun  (Read 155 times)


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    10k Fun
    « on: August 14, 2006, 03:14:31 am »
    I recently won 10k from a fun forums question that Lunchboxkilla ran. He asked me a tough question, how would my character get the 10k that i won on the forums?Ingame i tried some quick and stupid ideas which were turned down. So i cam up with a story. I have decided that anyone who can come up with an interesting story for a reason to get 5k off my character can have half the pot.


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      RE: 10k Fun
      « Reply #1 on: August 14, 2006, 03:15:06 am »
      The Book

      The thick adamantium lock was dented and burnt yet had not yielded to the rough treatment it had been given. The book it self was thick and very old, it was bound in a leather that Nixx had never seen before. As she picked it up it was warm to the touch and she felt something rush through her mind and the book hit the floor with a thud. She sat down and summoned Zen, the pixie burst into life and looked over at her, Zen had noticed a change in her master lately but had not inquired to what it was. Nixx gave a slow and strained point to the book and Zen flew over it and examined it, the lock was extremely well made and sophisticated, whoever locked this book did not intend to have anyone see it, what puzzled Zen even more was the fact it did not really seem like a lock that could be opened, perhaps the owner of this book did not plan to open it either. The book was not burned from the fire that the kobolds had subjected it to.

      Nixx had heard some townsfolk speaking about strange rituals in the Sielwood forest and decided to have a look, it took days to find the source of the strange chanting but she was shocked to find some Kobolds dancing around a fire, in the centre of the fire was the book. Nixx watched the kobolds for hours and in the early hours of the morning the fire died down and a Kobold shaman took the book out of the remains of the fire and the entire kobold tribe came out and bowed and preyed to the book. It was most odd, with more observation it was revealed that the kobolds could not open the book, yet they still seemed to worship it like a holy relic that they had no understanding of. For three nights in a row the Kobolds had performed this strange routine and still they had not opened the book. On the fourth night Nixx devised a plan, her hands danced and several spells were cast, with a flick of her wrist the last one rendered her invisible. The large fire was starting to burn strong and Nixx threw herself into the burning inferno, she retrieved the book and tucked it her robe before quickly running from the fire, the embers flew out of the side of the fire and Kobolds looked and the book was gone.

      ‘Can it be opened?’ Nixx spoke quietly and opted for Brownie instead of common to reduce the chance of her being overheard.
        ‘I don’t think it was ever designed to be opened.’ Zen replied in perfect Brownie and shrugged.
        ‘A lock is put on so that somebody can open it, who would put a look on a book so not even themselves could open it?’ Zen stared at her master the little Brownie, and knew she had answered her own question. Somebody who was not quite right and did not want this book to see the light of day Nixx thought.
        ‘Perhaps it should be buried somewhere and left?’ Zen half looked at the book and half looked at Nixx.
        ‘No. We will keep it for now, perhaps somebody is looking for it.’

      That night as they slept in the forest Nixx dreamed of places she had never been before and dreamed of epic battles with great Dragons of all colours, she was looking through someone else’s eyes, she was tall and powerful she had magics around her she could not even comprehend. When she awoke she could feel her heart racing and the adrenaline in her veins. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and stared at the book that was wrapped in cloth now. She needed to find out what this book was and where it had come from, recently she had felt her path was unclear but now she knew she had to return this book to its owner, it was the only goal on her mind and she would not fail.

      The forest air was still strong with the smell of the fire, the strong odour of burning wood filled Nixx’s nostrils and reminded her of the farm, she had not thought about her past in a long time and it was strange to have the thoughts back. The kobolds seemed to be less organised many of them had either left the camp or were no longer alive, the shaman was shouting and many scattered. The book seemed to be binding them together, Nixx was uncertain whether it was some kind of magic of the book, or the kobolds willingness to devote themselves to anything that came along. She lied in wait and eventually her chance arose the kobold shaman walked into the forest away from the camp, she rushed after him and in a flash her spell had been cast and the shaman was standing still and could not move. She tied his arms as best she could and when the spell wore off she tried to interrogate him. Unfortunately for Nixx standing shorter then a kobold is not a very good way of intimidation and she had never really been in the situation to need to.

      Nixx was in a forest, it was unnatural, something had happened, she was standing tall again and held a powerful looking sword, there were undead all around and something mad her look up and her ears hurt, a massive machine the same she had seen the gnome in Lar making, a golem. It was battling the undead but it was singing, the machine was singing, it was painful to hear but still elegant in its own way. It was then that her arms, but not her arms started wave in front oh her and a voice, a male voice shouted ‘Praise Lucinda.’ Then many of the undead fell to the ground. Nixx sprang upright, again her heart was racing and the book was still unopened next to her. She reached for her feather and some parchment and scribbled in Brownie.

      “Golem……. Singing”

      The next day Nixx set off for a church of Lucinda, she finally felt she was heading in the right direction, this was confirmed when she walked into the church and somehow she could sense the book was happy, she did not know how or why but the book seemed happy. She looked around and spoke to some priests about heroes of the church, she neglected to mention the book, she did not want to arise suspicion. The priests asked if she was a follower of Lucinda, she had almost replied yes then her mind unclouded and she said no. When who she was a member of came up she thought for a few seconds, almost like she did not know, she finally said Prunilla but the words felt wrong and her core twisted as she said it. The temple were happy to accommodate Nixx, Prunilla clerics and followers were welcomed into Lucinda’s churches. She found no answers in the church even though they were extremely helpful.

      Nixx was meditating, ever since loosing her life to the Drow  in the berhagen mountains she had found it very hard to do and really had to force her mind to settle, she could not forgot the feeling when she said about worshipping Prunilla, her body felt wrong saying it, perhaps it was the book and this life she seemed to be seeing or perhaps it was the incident. Her mind settled and then something happened, Nixx reorganised it straight away this time. The golem was back and somehow Nixx was knew what was about to be spoken.
        ‘Time to play is over boy.’ The look in the golems eyes showed sorrow, this golem was no ordinary golem. The she heard it.
        ‘Oh mercy what is an old Cleric of Lucinda going to do now? Thank Lucinda I have Kira, oh Celger you are lucky really.’ Nixx could feel his sorrow but could also feel his happiness and the mix of emotions confused her and she started to cry and laugh. As she came back to reality the tears on her face were still wet and the book opened itself. At first Nixx did not want to look inside afraid of what she might see but the page had a picture, a picture of a house and somehow she knew how to get there, she went to pick up the book and it closed itself.

      The tall man looked down at the tiny creature that had lightly knocked on his door, he could sense she was there for an important reason her colourful dress was purple with two distinctive red and blue stripes running horizontally along it. After the usual pleasantries she said she had found something that belonged to him, he motioned her into the house and they sat down. Celger was intrigued about what this little brownie could have. She started to speak.
        ‘You are Celger Magnus, cleric of Lucinda and slayer of dragons?’ It had been some time since he had been described like this and he was on guard.
        ‘Yes, once long ago.’ Nixx noticed him sit uneasily in his chair.
        ‘I found an item- A book actually, I think it should be returned to you.’ Celger’s eyebrow raised and the curiosity was plain to see on his face.
      Nixx unpacked the great book and placed it on the table, instantly Celger looked troubled and turned to the Brownie.
        ‘You tried to open it?’ His tone was not challenging, just seeking the truth. Yet it put Nixx on guard.
        ‘No, I retrieved it from some kobolds and I doubt we will ever know where they got it from, I…. I….. had been having dreams- dreams of your life, this is how I knew to find you.’
        ‘What kind of dreams?’ Celger was curious but also felt like he had shared something which nobody should see.
        ‘A singing golem, fighting undead and dragons.’ Celger smiled, relieved at what she had said, for what was in the book was not even for his own eyes.

      He motioned Nixx to follow him and on the top shelf of a dusty bookcase was a missing spot, Celger had not even noticed it was missing. He shouted for Mercy and the golem came running in and put the book back into the correct place.

        ‘You have done me a great service my lady.’ He went down to one knee and kissed Nixx on her small hand.
        ‘I just wanted to bring it back, I knew I needed to find its owner.’ Celger nodded and said he would be more careful with the book in the future. When the Brownie had left he sent out a messenger hawk and then sat down at his desk and picked up a half used book and started to write.


