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Author Topic: Netflix Unlimited Instant-Online  (Read 115 times)


Netflix Unlimited Instant-Online
« on: May 22, 2008, 05:35:55 pm »
I've been subscribed to Netflix at least 2 years now, and just finally noticed that we can watch movies and shows via online streaming with Windows Media Player 11 now.  Just click one tab to the right of the normal DVD browser, and they have a good selection up there, not nearly as many as the standard DVD collection, but still its pretty good and growing.  Among those TV series posted... the ENTIRE collection of Xena and Quantum Leap.  No extra charge or limit, free with the regular service.

Needless to say, I did a search for their Dr. Who collection, and am having a dorkfest marathon on my desktop, mwahahah!

Sadly you need to be using Windows, Internet Explorer and WMP11, which is highly difficult to install without a valid windows key... so it's kind of like taking a broken down Volvo to Disney World.  But once inside the park... fun fun fun!