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Author Topic: a little piece of myself  (Read 516 times)


a little piece of myself
« on: December 22, 2007, 03:50:14 am »
well after many new thread deletes, new deletes and so on.. I'm just gonna go for it and hope that you enjoy what I am sharing with you guys. A few of you know I'm a musician/ composer so here it goes *crosses fingers and tries to figure out when is the last time he was so nervous. And runs for cover*:D

some are finished some are not and one you hear a scratch of my voice for my band under a cold.

Index of /song

ps. if its jittery, right click and save link as is (firefox)
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Re: a little piece of myself
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2007, 02:27:21 pm »
Since people seem to be listening but not replying, let me just say aloud that it's very brave of you to share your art with the community, and I appreciate it and am sure others do as well. It's always nice to know about the people behind the characters, and after listening to those I certainly feel like I know a little bit more about you.

Thank you for sharing your music with us, Hellblazer.


Re: a little piece of myself
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2007, 02:38:36 pm »
*applauds* Hey man just doing music and sharing is awesome. "There is none like you" is pretty cool, totally liked the mood. Now don't ask me to try to give any real constructive feedback, hehe I don't understand music that well to give a good crit, but I know what I like. :)
Thanks for sharing and keep it up.


Re: a little piece of myself
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2007, 03:28:53 pm »
Thanks HB.


Re: a little piece of myself
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2007, 04:23:08 pm »
I enjoyed the music :)  It was pretty neat how it all  flowed.  I couldn't do that for nothing.  Thanks for sharing.  Oh BTW do you play any instruments?


Re: a little piece of myself
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2007, 05:22:34 pm »
yep. My main instrument (played the longest) is piano, then guitar/bass , drum  and violin. did touch other ones but not enough to say I'm good with them.


Re: a little piece of myself
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2007, 06:36:38 pm »
Right, well, certainly not bad; only listened to the one song, so far, but not bad at all. (Thing in Balck)

It's brave of you to post this (first I've seen of it!), so kudos for that. I haven't posted any of my art, so... :) Better than me.

Two points I'd make (on this song) are: The quick drumrolling sounds like it's meant to be double bass pedals; use a deeper sound for that, throughout the song. Also, there's a string of what sounds like a small cymbal or bell (can't remember the right name) around 1:40 to 1:50 that I don't think fits with the rest of the song's mood; mayhap change it to a high hat, half as often? At a good p, maybe mp. There's other little nitpicky stuff, but nothing important, just stylistic differences of opinion.

As to whether or not I like it... Well, I'm downloading the other files, if that says anything. :)

Eve of War: I like the concept in the song, and I like the presentation. The only thing I don't like (being a horn player myself) is the way the synthesizer produces the trumpet, trombone, and tuba sounds; if there's a way to play with the articulation, there's where you could make that crucial stylistic change, along with changing the dynamics to accent the harmony a bit. As an orchestral piece, for real musicians, this is an excellent piece. If you played this on a keyboard, NICE. I know those things are irritating when it comes to synthesizing orchestral instruments.

Though I feel a bit bad for being the only one with any criticism, constructive intent aside. <<;


Re: a little piece of myself
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2007, 07:50:56 pm »
eve of war needs to be retouched as I think to the brass are to static and don't sound real. Unfortunately the vst instrument I am using, although good, is not so versatile on the articulation so I will have to find an other one.

Things in balk is not finished and I think you are referring to the bridge which I just didn't take out teh violins there yet.

