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Author Topic: Worldwide telescope  (Read 238 times)


Worldwide telescope
« on: May 14, 2008, 11:37:52 am »
I'm still in shock that Microsoft has managed to come up with something this cool, and for free :)

WorldWide Telescope

If you download the program it lets you look at Stars, constellations, planets etc., even back to earth so you can see what it looks like to be an astrononaut looking back down on earth.  You can even connect it to views taken from some telescopes like hubble.

I've always been a bit of an astronomy buff, but I think this is really cool, even for folks who're not and just want to play with it.


Re: Worldwide telescope
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2008, 12:12:41 pm »
I hear the project team is working on a Layo version of this :)

